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Thursday 29 March 2012

Cefas Endeavour's Beam Trawl Survey 2012

Plenty of brittle stars with the beam trawl fitted with a blinder - who would have thought of fitting such a devious device?!!
Cefas Endeavour's South West Quarter 1 Beam Trawl Survey 2012 is underway.

They have 9 scientists on the survey; Sven, Ian, Rob, Joana, Leah, Paul, Dave , James and Jo.  James will be doing some plankton work into the late evening and helping in the fish room during the day. Cefas Endeavour is currently working in the Western English Channel. The survey is using two 4m beams, one with a blinder in (a small 20 mm net, which sits inside the cod end) and the other rigged commercially.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

VesselTracker AIS - huge update!

A major upgrade to the VesselTracker web site and software suite including their mobile apps has just been launched tonight. This screen shot shows the extent of the new T-AIS receiving power giving the postion of ships hundreds of miles from the coast! - also now comes with AIS satellite data available as a global option for customers needing to track their ships around the world.......
Move over to Google Earth view and shipping in the South West can be seen as far as and even beyond the Continental Shelf!........
closer to home, the netter Ajax can be spotted north west of the Scillies amongst a big fleet of French trawlers. The new service includes a free account with a simple registration process.

Newlyn Needler - Issue 2 discovered

Pre the Big Issue and back in the day when the Min of Ag and Fish (MAFF) first began to exert control over the waves, a certain satirical magazine appeared on the top shelf of Barron's newsagents. Conceived, written, illustrated, printed and distributed by a select team of well-known Newlyn wannabe hacks, the 'Newlyn Needler' told of fishing life in Newlyn as it was or as it might have been. 

Difficult, if not impossible at times to separate fact from fiction, the magazine took an irreverent look at the characters who plied their livelihoods in and from the port. Sadly, a few of those characters that may be represented or alluded to in some of the more tame yarns are now sat in the big wheelhouse in the sky, or in Brennan's case a gazillion miles away, way beyond the stratosphere - a copy of the Newlyn Needler has come to light and is now available in digital format is therefore dedicated to their memory.

Apologies made in advance for the numerous 'in' jokes contained herein - as they used to say, you had to be there. As a footnote to the Bessy story (as described in the book, The Swordfish and the Star by Gavin Williamson); a handful of officers from HMS Bulldog, who was carrying out a hydro-graphic survey in Mounts Bay at the time, were in the Swordfish that very lunchtime and witnessed the spectacle of Bessie attempting to drink the aforementioned yard of ale while suspended from the ceiling - unknown to Bessy, the ale was spiked with a huge helping of salt - one of the officers turned to another and said, "I say skips, if it's like this on a Monday lunchtime - what's it like in here on a Friday night??!" The knight in shining armour who came to Bessie's rescue just before his crotch turned into a scene from Towering Inferno was none other than Medallion Man himself - who can now be found running Plymouth Fish Market Plymouth & Sutton Harbour - good move Peter!

Issue One will go on-line a soon as someone finds a copy!

Monday 26 March 2012

Big Dutchman on Twitter

This was tweeted by the big Dutch boat, Orion from his Twitter account:
"First pull (haul) a 400kg plaice € 1.40 = € 560 a .600 ltr diesel € 0.70 = € 420. net € 140. Nowthe bank, crew and other costs are paid. ????"

King Koffman does cuttlefish bolognese

When the creator of BBC1's Saturday Kitchen presented the concept to host chef James Martin five years ago there's no doubt that when Martin compiled his wish list of chefs to have on the show, top of that list would have been Pierre Koffman - five years later and a dream comes true - here's a chef with no pretentions - at the Berkley Hotel's restaurant, La Tante Claire his signature dish was pig's trotter - and on Saturday's show the three-starred Michelin chef (one of only a handful in the UK) set about demonstrating a simple dish using the humble cuttlefish......... 
 the thickest part of three cuttles were separated, cleaned, squeezed together and frozen.......
 the rest, including tentacles were finely chopped........
 and sautéed in shallots and butter before adding the Bolognese sauce .......
meanwhile, the frozen cuttlefish were sliced on a meat slicer - there's a good chance that you could replicate this at home with a peeler.......
the sliced cuttlefish was then plunged in boiling water for 20 seconds and served as the 'pasta'
with the sauce on top plus garnish - for full details of the recipe and a chance to watch it for the next few days, head on over to the Saturday Kitchen web site........
meanwhile, the end of the cuttlefish season is nigh on Newlyn fish market.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Barbie time - scallops in butter & lemon zest!

Sapphire bounders

Under skipper Mike Corin, the beam trawler Sapphire sails Through the Gaps at the start of another trip. She'll be due to land back in Newlyn for either Friday or Monday of next week - depends on fishing and weather conditions.