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Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunday morning sojourn.

 Penzance's oldest pub the Turk's Head provides reliable food from a varied menu.......
 down the road at the Admiral Benbow the signwriter was sacked........
 in Penzance Dock, the wheelhouse has found its new home aboard TO60........
 building material waiting to go aboard the Scillies supply ship Gry Maritha.......
 and there's plenty of it........
nearing completion the slightly more attractive end of the new travel hotel in town.

Marine Stewardship Council launches student scholarship research program

A fantastic opportunity for students as the Marine Stewardship Council launches a student scholarship research program.

Undergraduate and postgraduate students of environmental and fisheries science will be able to further their studies with the assistance of a new scholarship research program, launched today. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) will award one travel and study scholarship annually, up to the value of £4000. 

The scholarship program is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students worldwide. To qualify for consideration, projects will have as their objective the study of some aspect of environmental improvement, performance or best practice in fisheries management, or fish product supply chain management. This may be direct study of one particular fishery or a comparative study of fisheries problems or management. Direct linkage to a fishery certified or wishing to become certified by the MSC is not a requirement, although this is an additional point of interest for the MSC. 

 The project must be completed within 12 months of the start date stated on the application form, and the final project report must be submitted within 15 months of the start date. MSC standards director, David Agnew said: “The new MSC scholarship will complement our existing program of extensive scientific research. We already fund a number of research projects each year to inform our policy development, monitor our performance and measure the environmental impacts of MSC certified fisheries. This scholarship program will fund research of direct interest to the MSC and research that goes beyond the immediate requirements for policy development. 

We hope to encourage research on a wide range of fisheries topics in both developing and developed countries. Thus its aim is to not only provide recipients with an excellent career opportunity, but to contribute to the wider global research effort on fisheries.” 

The closing date for applications is Monday 23rd April 2012. For further information, frequently asked questions and the application form please visit the MSC scholarship program webpage

Saturday 10 March 2012

Painting Party 2012 - slideshow to see

Click on the image for a slideshow of this year's Painting Party on the quay.

Painting party ready to go!

Painting Day preparations.

 Left on the promenade, looks like someone bought more than they could swallow......
 sanctioned graffiti by One and All......
 this month's art exhibition at the Tolcarne Inn, Newlyn........ 
 Hilda Richards donated this model of the Rosebud to the Mission in recognition of the boats epic voyage up the Thames to petition parliament over housing demolotion in Newlyn.......
 a must for all those handy with a cue and a chance to take on Cowandickie.......
 three luggers all set for Painting Day........
 and a chance to scrub all those bottoms.......
 before applying the anti-fouling........
 just a reminder for those who are not aware.......
 hake's on the menu at The Fish Shop......
 sign of the times.......
 the old Waghorns shop gets a facelift.......
and the old Badcocks Gallery building is up for grabs in a prominent trading position in Newlyn - would make a fine fish restaurant?

Hard life

One from the archives of Phil Lockley.

This shot was taken aboard a Brixham beam trawler around 1986 at the end of a trip - looks like it was a hard one!

Friday 9 March 2012

Bag a Bernard Evans bargain!

It's Cornish maritime season at 9 Chapel Street.

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