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Tuesday 17 January 2012

Danish visitor Plymouth bound.

Making her way back to Plymouth, the big Danish pelagic trawler Phoenix, a sure sign that there are plenty of pelagic fish like mackerel, pilchards, scad (horse mackerel) and herring swimming in the Western Approaches. Fishing effort these days is restricted owing to the continuing implementation of the 'mackerel box' and the total ban on purse seines thast can be seen identified in the chart courtesy of Cefas - see below.

Monday 16 January 2012

Monday's market full of quality fish again.

Another landing of top quality haddock from the Imogen.......
while some of the beam trawlers have decided to chase the cuttles.......
now you see him, now you don't, now you do........
squid don't get much bigger than these beauties, nor in much better condition - stretching the length of a 60 kilo fish box these fish must be nearly two years old, squid have a very short life expectancy.....
more quality lemons from the inshore trawler Shiralee.......
visiting London registered tug, Kingston is taking a break in port till the weather passes......
unlike the Trec'her which was towed in with her trawl firmly wrapped around her propeller - now waiting for daylight and the divers to appear and sort her out. Hopefully she won't have damaged the shaft or gearbox which is what will concern the skipper most.

It seems West is best!

Green arrow marks the approximate position of the Ajax.

After working around the Kinsale rigs area, the Ajax has steamed south west searching for hake and is now well west of Land's End - about 180 miles to be precise, that's looking like it is SW of an area known as the 'Pistola' - on account of the bank resembling an old fashioned pistol.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Sunday and still fresh.

 High water and the dock side slip and road are awash in Penzance......
 where the Scillonian's bow almost touches the dry dock offices.......
 over-topping, as it is known to geographers......
 catch the latest exhibition at PZ Gallery.......
 with additional pieces........
 up-coming shows........
 and comfortable seating on offer.......
 the Dock Inn, the only pub in town with a cider garden.......
 make a date at the Union Hotel for a talk on subsea survey work entitled Marine Imaging from Neil Wood, teaching fellow at Camborne School of Mines.......
 not much chance of the Battery Rock swimmers taking to the water this morning.......
just about to enter the gaps.

Saturday 14 January 2012

Cruise ship, Costa Concordia sinks off Tuscany coast.

The final track of the Costa Concordia (which moved out of AIS range from the port of Civitavecchia) which sank on Friday night after leaving the island of Giglio........
with her last known berths recorded.

Bitter breeze.

 Breaking sun......
 breaking seas.......
 window on the world at the Newlyn Orion Gallery......
 watching all points across the bay.......
 as the gulls take to the air.......
 watching the sunken Italian cruise liner story unfold on the news in the Mission........
 dedicated screens in the wheelhouse....... 
 keep the skipper informed.......
 with everything he needs just a keystroke away........
 including AIS which has just picked up the William Stevenson heading for home across the Bay.....
 meanwhile out on the deck the gear needs repairs before she can sail again......
 with both beam trawls getting the once over....... 
 kept off the quay by the breeze.......
landing time for Lamorna.

Friday 13 January 2012

Fishy Friday finds fish market full.

 Mid tide landing from the netter Gary M gives Sam from Cefas plenty of work........
 sampling otoliths from big white fish like this ling........
 which have an unusual shape........
 a trail of black ink leads to tubs of cuttles.......
 good fishy trips of trawl fish from the beam trawl fleet include half a dozen boxes of red mullet.......
 all making good money with the buyers this morning.......
 outside the temperature gives the ice works a plume in its cap......
 as a big moon lights up the morning sky over the Asthore.......
out in the Bay, lights from RNAS Culdrose and a few boats leaving the harbour can be seen on the horizon as the loom from the morning sun begins to brighten up the sky.