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Monday 4 July 2011

Newlyn and the Artists - Newlyn Archive exhibition at The Centre.

Head for Newlyn's Trinity Centre this weekend to catch the latest Newlyn Archive Open day - this time featuring the Artists - there are many families living in Newlyn can boast near relatives featured in Newlyn School works of art.

The third Newlyn Archive open day of 2011 will take place at the Trinity Centre Chywoone Hill Newlyn on Saturday 9th July and should not be missed. With the title Newlyn and the Artists, it is anticipated that it will be enjoyed by art enthusiasts and historians as well as locals and visitors alike.

the event. Entry free
Come and see the display boards with information about the early Newlyn Colony, their Newlyn models and the places where they painted.

• Come and browse over the archive material, photographs, early press reports and articles.

• View two films about the early Newlyn artists.

• Do come along especially if a relation was painted by one of the artists. Tell us what you know and what has anecdotally been ‘handed down’ by family members; let us record these memories for the archive.

• Do you have any photographs of the artists, their works or better still the artists at work or in their homes? We hope to make new contacts and add new material to the Archive.

• Do come to The Centre, for a good cup of tea (may be a bun) and to be able to sit and chat throughout

If you are not already a member, why not join us? Subscription is only £5 annually.

Telephone Linda Holmes on 01736 364537 or email newlynarchive@aol.com.

Swimmers, a skinny dipper, swans and some other sunny Summer scenes.

The growing fleet of Mount's Bay swans enjoy rich pickings at high water just off Newlyn Green......
the Admiral Gordon's water blasting is almost finished.........
absent minded skinny dipper.......
swimmer ready to go at Battery Rocks.......
party coming up?.........
a reminder for young crabber Liam Gill's memorial service being held at the Mission this Wednesday.......

bag a solid breakfast at the Fishermen's Cafe......
red, white and blue, a patriotic start to the day
work in earnest aboard the new Rowse crabber Kastel Paol.........
flat calm and a blaze of sunshine.........
big streamline bass........
they're all mine, on go the buyer's tallies.........
the William put ashore excellent quality red mullet this morning.......
let's hope the current push to promote hake sees these superb specimens from the netter Golden Harvest make a half decent price........
out all night for a shot of Cornish Sardines.........
ancient stone works revealed off Newlyn Green.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Mevagissey Feast Week bound!

Sunny Saturday morning.

 Solo fly-past........
 make a note........
 safe landing girls.........
 master brewer at work.......
 they wouldn't let 'im play........
 breakfast calls.......
 on patrol.........
 a spot of local colour.........
M&S' latest fish campaign on the train.

Friday 1 July 2011

Pizza Patio goes Italian!

It's re-launch night at The Italian Kitchen tonight (what was Newlyn's extremely popular Pizza Patio) and top choice has to be the hake - if you haven't tried hake before - do so! Seafish recently ran a campaign, as has Seafood Cornwall to promote the consumption of this highly prized fish - in Spain where the market has collapsed since their economy took a turn for the worse.

The saga continues........

Street-an-Nowan soap fans are waiting for the next installment of their local ongoing larger-than-life saga. This week, ex-commissioner Dave Mundy (recently retired from the MMO) went public over events exactly one month ago today when three members of the commission were voted off in a secret ballot. Anyone heading to the harbour Commissioner's web site for information will be sadly disappointed - there is no 'news' in the 'news' section and according to the member's page the three said ex-commissioners are still in existence! All eyes will be on the next meeting - with it's public session at the beginning - due to be held at The Centre on Wednesday, 6th July next week - one episode not to be missed. On the agenda could be news about the new applicants recruited for the four empty posts that have been created (post four as a result of Cornwall Councillor, Ray Tovey resigning in June).

A FORMER member of Newlyn's port authority has slammed its chairman, claiming he flouted the rules by dismissing three members of the commission.  Dave Munday, who resigned from Newlyn Harbour Commission on June 1, spoke out this week over the furore surrounding the eviction of three commissioners from their posts.  He claims that the secret ballot, which led to the ousting of John Lambourn, Nick Howell and Juliet Taylor, breached the laws governing the commission, which was set up by the Newlyn and Harbour Revision (Constitutional) Order. Mr Munday, who recently retired from his post as senior marine officer with the Marine Management Organisation, has again called for the resignation of the commission's chairman, Gilbert McCabe, for failing to stick to the regulations.  He says that when the surprise ballot was held on Tuesday, May 31, only seven of the 11 commissioners were legal members of the board as their colleagues' terms of service had expired on May 30. 

According to Mr Munday, the votes of commissioners not physically present at the eleventh-hour meeting could not be counted. And of the nine who attended, five confirmed they voted in support of the trio – rendering their subsequent expulsion illegal. He also claimed that the reasons for bringing about the controversial vote in the first place were false.  "The only way commissioners can be removed is by breaching the conditions laid down in the statutory instrument; no allegations were ever made that they had breached these conditions," Mr Munday told The Cornishman.  He hopes the Department for Transport, which appointed the commissioners when the board was formed last year, will step in to help fill the gaps.

"I felt that I had to resign from the commission, partly from the completely unfairness of the process adopted by the chairman and partly from very serious reservations about the legality of it under the statutory instrument," he added.  "Newlyn is a trust port, but because of the actions of the chairman, the commission has lost the trust of Newlyn. I believe the chairman must now do the honourable thing and resign."

The three sacked commissioners have approached St Ives MP Andrew George who met with Mike Penning, Government Minister at the Department for Transport, on Monday to discuss their plight. "The minister is aware of the situation and has received a submission which is going to take some time to look at," said Mr George.

Mr McCabe said he was unable to comment on the claims at the time of going to press.

article copyright THE CORNISHMAN



Do I hear 22?

Teasing two bidders for top quality turbot, WS auctioneer Ian at the top of his game.......
with the temperature rising fish are whisked away to cold storage.......
while those on the market have a good covering of ice.......
all in a day's work for tango man........
sorting, grading and boxing just in time for the buyers.......
there's a handful of early season bass making an appearance.........
and a rare sight these days, a thornback ray.........
maybe there's a mackerel grading machine in the pipeline for the mackerel fleet.........
still early days for the Cornish Sardine fleet.......
ice time for the Sea Spray.........
main man mender Milford Mike makes a mesh or two working his way down the selvage.........
no quotas apply when you fish for litter.........
out with the old fuel tank and in with the new, plate steel at the ready.......
Barry keeps an an eye on the quality of his morning's mackerel work........
good solid food from the Fisherman's Cafe.......
and so say all of us........
high water, at the old causeway.
lines drawn.