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Wednesday 6 April 2011

It's nights ashore for the scallopers!

A new by-law came in to force today which means that the boats cannot fish for scallops between 1900 and 0700 within six miles (10km) of the Cornish coast.

The by-law was approved by councillors in 2009 and by Defra in March 2011.

So that means pushing further off shore or, no more long, hot nights at sea in the summer dredging away for the scallies and an excuse to head for the nearest bar and spin yarns to the trippers about how tough it was scalloping away back in the summer of '76 off Falmouth! - Where is the Golden Fleece now and Cockney Dave? - and how did George Lawry nearly sink the Forelle of Purbeck with the Tea Eagle?

Fishing reform - this government's being busy!

Consultation: Reform of Domestic Fisheries Management Arrangements in England - you've until June 30th to have your say!

This consultation seeks views on proposals for fisheries management reform in England, which are designed to secure a more profitable, sustainable and unified fishing industry in the long term. It has evolved from the Sustainable Access to Inshore Fisheries (SAIF) project, which was established to look at long term solutions to the problems facing the English under-10m fleet, caused by an imbalance between fishing capacity and

The key elements of the proposals include:

be used to incentivise community quota models.
•the establishment of community quota models in areas that wish to safeguard a small-scale/community fleet;

•the allocation of clearer, more stable and predictable entitlements to fish across the whole English fleet, using the existing Fixed Quota Allocation mechanism;

•safeguards to help retain fisheries access rights in more sustainable parts of the fleet (e.g. members of community quota groups) and prevent fishing rights becoming concentrated in the large scale fleet; and

•some re-alignment of fishing opportunities across the English fleet, including that associated with consistently un-fished allocations. We are considering how this measure might

The consultation is aimed at the fishing industry, coastal communities, and anyone else with an interest, including members of the public.

The macks are back!

Perhaps it is the warmth slowly building in the sky these last few days......
but with 800 kg of mackerel on the market this morning there are signs that the punt men will soon be back in action in the early hours of every morning with their hand lines at the ready......
as it was FalFish were quickest off the market........
this morning securing these shining examples of their kind.......
with the day breaking and looking pretty quiet after a fresh day yesterday, the St Adrianne was first up to take ice looking to land on Friday - .......
with skipper Roger hoping to be one of the few boats that day so his fish, always top quality, should make top dollar, especially with those buyers looking to supply the top local restaurants and London buyers......
more repair work underway on the quayside.......
as Royden gets his leg over this morning........
before assuming an almost religious pose aboard the Wiffer's new punt.........
which duly coughs into life after her trip down from Mevagissey at the weekend..........
there's more steam down the Combe as Harvey's fires up the crab boilers........
out in the Bay the St Georges makes her way to the gaps.

Fisheries Minister Benyon pledges to hand management to local communities.

Fisheries minister Richard Benyon chose his visit to Brixham's new fish market this morning to announce a radical reform of the way quotas are allocated to fishermen. The minister is very much in favour of local fishing communities forming CIGs (Community Interest Groups) as a way of taking control of quota management. These local groups would be able to represent themselves at a national level and therefore have a direct say in how fishing effort is managed with the ear of the government. 

An interesting precedent would have been set at Newlyn should the present harbour commissioners have given the go ahead to the Community Interest Group that was proposed would take on the running of a fish auction in Newlyn. CIGs were the previous Labour government's way of devolving power and innovation down to very local levels and giving the very communities that existed around commercial activities like fishing the opportunity to manage their own projects. In Newlyn's case, this option is still on the table. Now, not only could those with a vested and financial interest in making the port pay run their own fish auction but they could also set up a CIG to manage quota including those vessels not currently catered for in the under 10m sector.

Talking of the present quota system which he promise would be reformed by 2012, the minister said:
"We think it's broken and it needs absolute radical reform.

"Many fishermen are struggling to make a living and the current system for managing quota stocks isn't helping.
"It doesn't give all English fishermen the freedom to fish for a share of the catch at the most profitable time, which is what they need.

"We need a simple, straightforward system that gives fishermen more say and gives the communities that have such strong links to their fishing fleets the opportunity to invest and be involved in the way their local fleet is managed.

"I want to see a fishing industry that's much more integrated, without arbitrary divisions mandated by government.

"The industry needs to be freed to fish so that all fishermen and the ports that rely on them have the opportunity to thrive."

Can't swim? - fancy being on the TV?

Here's a request just arrived in the Through the Gaps inbox from Stephanie Seabrook (distant relation to Jackie Zeebrook, skipper from Hull maybe?) at What Larks! TV Productions company:

"I was wondering if you could help me.  I am currently working on a new TV series presented by comedian Jo Brand exploring Britain’s relationship with water.
In my research I was interested to find out that many fishermen aren’t particularly strong swimmers, despite spending most of their time at sea doing the UK’s most dangerous profession.  This is an interesting paradox we would like to explore in the programme and I am looking for fishermen who might be interested in appearing in our programme. 
 Also, if you knew anyone who might be interested, or would like more information, please do pass on my details and ask them to give me a call.   My number is 020 3327 2887."

Stephanie Seabrook
Assistant Producer
4th Floor
2 Henrietta Street
London WC2E 8PS

020 3327 2887

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon is in Devon today.

Fisheries minister Richard Benyon is in South Devon today and due to make an announcement with consequences for local fishermen with regard to catch quotas. This may be good news for the under 10m sector who have suffered from reduced fishing opportunities. This is the first time the minster has been in the region since the extent and range of the new Marine Protected Areas were revealed, many of which are found close to the shores of Devon and Cornwall.

Jim Portus from the PO has penned these words in support of the visit today:

Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon MP accepts kind invitation of SWFPO Ltd to tour new Brixham Fish Market and to meet the fishing vessel owners of that Organisation over a hearty local-caught fish breakfast at the Fishermen’s Mission.

Jim Portus, Chief Executive of SWFPO Ltd, is very pleased to be welcoming Richard Benyon to Brixham at last. He said, “We invited the Minister soon after the election in May 2010, as soon as Richard Benyon had been appointed. Sadly his port-folio has made him a very busy man and, I guess, he’s had to spend more time than he’d like in his Westminster offices. We are very pleased that the timing of his eventual visit at least now enables him to see the market and facilities in all their finished glory. We were so proud to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to officiate at the grand opening just 2 weeks ago and now we have our Minister to show-off these magnificent yet functional buildings.

“The Minister will tour the quayside from 0700. He will see the various types of boat in the local fleet and see fish being sold by BTA auctioneer, Barry Young. He will be guided by Jim Portus plus the Chairman of the SWFPO, boat owner and fish merchant, Bill Brock. In the tour party will be local Member of Parliament, Sarah Wollaston, whose constituency covers Brixham town.

“Providing answers to the Minister’s questions about the fleet will be local boat owners Dave Langdon, Alex Philip and Graham Perkes. Rick Smith, the manager of Brixham Trawler Agents, is also a Director of the PO. He will discuss marketing issues with the Minister and answer all-important questions about dealing with “discards” if the new CFP in 2013 brings in a ban on this awful waste.

“After the tour outside, the Minister will be welcomed to the Fishermen’s Mission by Superintendent John Anderson. The industry and the Minister will enjoy a traditional Brixham Breakfast of fresh local fish, served with Bread & Butter and mugs of hot tea.

“It will be a working breakfast and the Minister will be quizzed about such as Marine Conservation Zones. He will be asked to reassure local fishermen that they will not be made to suffer closed fishing grounds that, through EU loop-holes remain open to foreigners.

“There will be questions about proposals to regulate the English Scallop industry, proposals to put local beam trawlers under CCTV surveillance and proposals to put “big brother” satellite monitoring technology in the wheelhouses of all inshore boats.

Jim Portus is also chairman of the UK Association of Fish Producer Organisations. He added, “We know that the Minister is launching today in Brixham his long-awaited consultation on “Fisheries Management Reform in England”. Some of his proposals will be welcomed and others will be rejected firmly. The biggest fear facing vessel owners across the country is the Ministers proposal to “re-deploy” some fishing opportunities from one sector to another. This will be seen as “robbing Peter to pay Paul” and we will have to study very carefully the proposals and absorb the Regulatory Impact Assessment to understand the implications on our members. If we have to refer to legal opinion we will. It is the job of the Producer Organisations to ensure that our members achieve the maximum possible benefit within the CFP constraints. We remain hopeful that we will not have to defend our members’ interests by challenging the Minister’s ultimate decision.

Here's a story from pre-election days when he was shadow Fisheries Minister and visited Newlyn to meet local industry representatives.

Monday 4 April 2011

Inspiration wanted - opportunities for fishermen!


Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Fisheries - Local Action Group

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly have been awarded a share of a £4 million (approx.) pot of European funding for the sustainable development of fishing communities. The selected areas in the UK are; Cornwall and Scilly, North Devon, West Cumbria, East Riding of Yorkshire and North Norfolk. The project in Cornwall is being delivered by Cornwall Development Company.

The next stage is to develop a strategy and identify themes fishing communities would like to see supported by the fund. To do this Cornwall Development Company have appointed Rose Regeneration, specialists in Rural and Community engagement, to work with local fisheries communities to help shape and develop the strategy.

How do I get involved?

There are two ways to become involved, come along to one of our
four open meetings in Newlyn, St Marys, Mevagissey or Padstow,
details below. Or if you are unable to attend and would like to have
the consultation narrative and questions emailed or posted to you
then email or phone.

01209 616087

Dates of consultation

St Mary’s Council Chamber 4th April 1100-1300
Newlyn Mission Canteen 4th April 1600-1800
Mevagissey Social Club 5th April 1600-1800
Padstow Town Council Chamber 6th April 1530-1730