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Sunday 10 October 2010

Surf's up at Gunwalloe and Church Cove.

Walking from Halzephron towards Gunwalloe and Church Cove looks inoccuos enough......
until you look over the edge a few feet from the road by the old Halzephron Herb Farm......
and notice the subsidence that looks more like an earthquake in progress......
looking back towards the cliffs at Pedngwigian......
where the edge of the cliff is treacherous........
evidence of continual erosion of the shale cliffs is everywhere....
 whereas the tiny cove before Church Cove seems to be a haven for disposable lighters......
 erected in the church yard to commemorate a fair held on the beach in the 1920s and 30s to raise money for the church......
 Gunwalloe Church has a separate belfry tower.......
and, from the entrance vestibule the view is down a path overlooking the beach itself......

in Church Cove itself, a heavy ground swell provides a decent wave for local surfers.....
but there is plenty of evidence that this is a beach with a dangerous reputation.......

though the cliffs make for a dangerous exit on the south side of the Cove.....
and not the place to end up.......
better sticking to the middle of the beach.......
there are still several coasters waiting for orders riding at anchor.......

is it the river Gunn or the Walloe?.......
surfing in the setting sun after which it's time to retire to the comfort of the.......
award winning Halzephron Inn and a chance to enjoy an excellent selection of ales and fine food from a menu full of local fare.....
in comfort with a view looking back across the Bay as the sun goes down - log fires in the winter to boot.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Skippers on a mission to save the Mission?

Not what many in Newlyn wanted to read in the local rags this week......
across the prom, Penzance Seamans Institute was empty for years until it was re-developed as private apartments......
with the news that the RNMDSF is to sell off seven of its centres across England and Scotland will this be the fate of the Mission at Newlyn.......
or will it find a way to stay in business......
in addition to the invaluable work they do out in the community......
the Newlyn mission currently provides a safe haven for visiting fishermen and sailors - and has played a direct role in all the major incidents at sea including the Penlee Lifeboat tragedy and the Fastnet Yacht Race - services include a refectory with TV, internet access, snooker table, showers and accommodation and, of course, the hugely successful Newlyn Fish Festival was started by a previous mission skipper, Len Scott......
it also provides cafe style food.......
all under the auspices of the current mission skipper Keith Dickson - long may he continue to do so - especially as next September will see its centenary......
the high winds have filled the harbour with seaweed from the rocky coast......
the Ben My Chree knows what to do with all those flags left over from England's unsuccessful World Cup campaign.

Friday 8 October 2010

Weather conditions force the year's highest tide.

The AA makes it in through the gaps at high water.....
and heads for her berth......
with the heavy ground swell of late causing a run in the harbour, the Janie en Klaas' fenders are chaffing away.....
over in Penzance, the heavy ground swell has claimed a victim during the day.......
as the Scillonian III makes her way though the gaps.......
a trio of sea canoeists enjoy the choppy harbour waters......
as the high tide completely submerges the Abbey Slip access road and the footpath alongside.


 Trelawney's top quality tails.....
 otolith collection, wonder what happens to them all?......
 sometimes the strain just gets too much.....
 scallops come by the bag......
 not quite a giant Humboldt squid - these fish only live for around 18-24 months so this is a real old timer......
 good run of turbot for the Twilight III......
 along with matched her pairs of sole - Dover soles are placed white side to white side when iced in the fish room to keep the belly flesh clean and as white as possible......
 a better start to the day after the previous evenings gale of wind......
 an ultra sleek Kingfisher hull at dawn......
 after a good night, the blackboard gremlins appear to have aged the man.....
 less wet stuff in the sky this morning.....
while Penzance was looking positively tranquil - if new plans for the harbour are adopted there could be a significant increase in the number of boats berthed over the winter and while on passage.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Wet wet wet!

 One of a dozen kids whom no doubt incurred mother's wrath on their return home......
 probably the highest tide this year, with a weather surge on top of a 19.4 foot tide saw the fleet riding high.....
 no, the Billy Rowney is not about to go scalloping......
 but the Jacoba has taken the dredges off to go in the Dry Dock over at Penzance.