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Monday 13 September 2010

Shells in soak.

Plenty of colour supplied by the Design Centre, Newlyn in a conch shell......
 both members of the Nowell fleet are back in port.....
 you'll need this to keep fit Tracey....
 the scheme continues to fill the bags left for the boats.....
a good market for quality fish this morning despite the recent weather....
last of the boxes are pulled off the market.

Keeping it in the family.

The Guardian dispatched a reporter down to Newlyn recently and sought out a couple of fishing families in the port. As it happens, the Discovery Channel will be screening Trawler Wars later this month so an obvious choice were a couple of father and son teams aboard the beam trawlers to be featured in the documentary.

As such, all those who know Newlyn well will be well acquainted with the unmistakable not- so dulcit tones of Don Liddicoat, currently skippering the Filadelfia for his sins. The Guardian's article touches on some of the more human aspects of making a living from catching fish.

Sunday 12 September 2010

1928 Newlyn harbour photo.

The caption on the back of this photo from Margaret Mackintosh reads, 

‘Newlyn Harbour taken from verandah outside Harbour Master’s Office,
Tuesday 28th August 1928, Fishing fleet in Harbour.’

Saturday 11 September 2010

Its time for the St Ives September Festival in .......St Ives.

These days, St Ives is better known for the Arts than the huge fishing fleet it once supported, and nothing exemplifies that better than the Tate Gallery.....
which capture the market catered for today, namely persuading tourists to part with their cash for art and craft, gifts and food.....
support for the arts comes from all directions including the town's best known pub, The Sloop Inn on the harbour front.....
while round the back streets the famous, but now dilapidated Porthmeor Studios are hoping to take advantage of the thousands that will fill the town starting next weekend for its celebration of the Arts.....

part way through this clip, renowned net setter and ex-fisherman 'Bish' makes his contribution to help preserve a building that has served the local fishermen since the last century by providing a covered building in which to make and set gear.

There's a long way to go!

For four cyclists about to cross Ross Bridge in Penzance for Matt, John O'Groats must seem a long way away when they are just a few miles from Land's End........
builders bags have cut down the tedious time spent over-ending tier after tier of net aboard the netters.

Friday 10 September 2010

The importance of being branded.

Cornwall's brand 'gives county economic resilience'
"It comes after research for the BBC ranked Cornwall 38th out of 324 areas in England in terms of having resilient sectors such as agriculture, fishing and banking"

Hard on the heels of that small, but significant event earlier this week, when a local resident saw fit to make Rick Stein feel less than welcome comes news that Cornwall's 'brand' will help protect it as public sector cuts hit the country - and, sure enough, up there with banking and tourism, fishing gets a mention.

While the tide is high.

 Clive scoops another load of shingle, the recent weather pattern has created a shingle bank building at the entrance to the harbour......
Curtis senior studies the trawl before the net drum turns....
and the net is carefully guided on by Phil.....

 for a few minutes access by road to the ILB boathouse is cut off by the biggest tide of the year.....
and the Mission skippers car gets an underbody wash.