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Monday 25 January 2010

Rows of cod roes.

Man on a mission, Mission man Keith Dixon takes his early morning constitutional through the market before heading down the quays to see what's what.......
Robin Turner takes avoiding action as a pallet truck moves through crowded fish boxes during an auction.....
it's that time of year when roes from big fish are worth landing.....
a few boxes of schooly bass, perfect for the restaurant trade....
big cod, a sight to warm the hearts of the net boats and the Crystal Sea......
unusually, plenty of tope......
with the weather conditions creating cloud over the land the sunrises can be dramatic at this time of year.....
a splash of red passes......
over in the Star another intrigue develops.

Friday 22 January 2010

Carwash - the sequel Newlyn style

CELEBRITY actor Timothy Spall is urging Cornishman readers to join him in supporting the RNLI in Newlyn on its biggest fund-raising event of the year.

The actor, known for his roles as Peter Pettigrew in the Harry Potter series of movies and Barry Taylor in Auf Wiedersehen Pet, was in Newlyn harbour last September for a week.

During his stay in the port, the Spalls were taken onboard a Penlee relief lifeboat to see some of the hazardous locations. He said: "Earlier this year I met the crew of the Penlee lifeboat, and was lucky enough to go out with them on the lifeboat. It will remain a memory I will never forget, particularly because the exhilaration of the experience was made all the more profound by the realisation that the brave and skilful crew's fundamental desire is the safety of anybody who takes to the sea. What is even more impressive is that the men and women who crew the lifeboats around our coasts are prepared to risk their own lives to save the lives of others, in truly treacherous conditions. SOS Day is the RNLI's biggest fund-raising day of the year and it's a great way to get 2010 off to a cracking start, while helping to save lives at sea."

The Penlee Lifeboat crew will be washing cars and serving bacon rolls at the inshore lifeboat house this Saturday and Sunday and next weekend from 10am to 3pm.

They will also be celebrating SOS Day on Friday, January 29, as part of a number of events across the country.

● The world's most advanced lifeboat will also be on show at Sennen Cove later this month following its journey from London.

There will be an open day on Sunday, January 31, between 11am and 4pm, when people will have the opportunity to look around the new £2.7 million Tamar class lifeboat, the City of London III - seen in the video below on her maiden trip to say thank you London for the massive fund raising effort that resulted in its purchase.

article copyright THE CORNISHMAN

Henting down

A cool blue light from the Border Agency boat Valiant spreads across the wet quayside; both her, and the coastguard cutter Searcher, are still in town after arriving with the disabled Pacific Spirit that ws towed in by the Penlee lifeboat last Sunday morning - the sail training vessel is the subject of 'routine' investigation by the Border Agency......
down at the ice works the air is heavy with rain......
the local word for such a deluge being henting.......
under new letters and numbers, the Tranquility appears to have found a new home in the South West.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Mystery filmed in Falmouth

The planned film of Spirit of Mystery's journey, a recreation of the original vessel and journey undertaken by a Newlyn fishing boat back in 1854 when she sailed almost non-stop to a new life in Australia, was partly re-created while the vessel was in Falmouth prior to her voyage around the globe.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

MSC Fishery announcemnt: Megrim and monk for beamers?

The certification body, Moody Marine Ltd, has announced that the C&WSTG English Channel megrim monk and sole fisheries have entered full assessment. Initially Moody Marine seeks to open a dialogue with all organisations or individuals with a direct interest in the fisheries.
Anyone wishing to provide comments or information to the assessment process (relevant to the status of the stock, ecosystem interactions or fishery management practices) is invited to contact Ian Scott.

Ian Scott
E-mail: i.scott@moodyint.com
Tel: +44 (0)1228 710195
Mobile: +44 (0)7825 616548
Moody International Certification,
Merlin House,
Stanier Way,
Wyvern Business Park,
DE21 6BF

Monday 18 January 2010

Pacific Swift towed in by Penlee Lifeboat

Berthed outside the Border Agency's Searcher, the sail training vessel Pacific Swift after being towed in by the Penlee Lifeboat in the early hours of Sunday morning.........
probably the largest vessel the Penlee crew have had to deal with in a rescue mission.....
unusual weather conditions on Monday morning saw a low fog rolling down the land under a blue sky and flat calm sea......
the crabbers waiting to take on more bait.....
also in port, another customs vessel, the Valiant......
lays outside the Belgian flagged beam trawler Dora et Labora that has not move since she landed last week.......
making two lifeboats in port, the Ramsgate boat is currently on passage......
a shot across the bow of the Border Agency vessel Searcher......
and, as ever, a temptation too great......
Mr Bick can't help but smile as Mr Tonkin exchanges some early morning banter with auctioneer Olly.....
subdued lighting.

The Shining at Marazion

A pleasant way to spend Sunday lunchtime overlooking the Mount from the Godolphin Arms' restaurant ploughing your way through a carvery meal......
and then off for a walk passing a huge collection of flotsam........
up to the Marazion beacon which was lit for the first time to warn of the approaching Spanish Armada in 1588........ the church has had all but a few of its headstones moved to the side of the graveyard for some reason.....
down by the marshes it pays to have a big lens it seems......
the prevailing easterly winds have covered the beaches in the Bay with weed.....
and other flotsam provides endless creative opportunities for beach goers.....
across the mainline to London at Shiver Me Timbers Trader Gray's creative works are still evident - here's the Ozzie part of the business.....
with nature doing its own creative thing in the sands......
ahaah! someone's been here before - Trader Gray, of the aforementioned Shiver Me Timbers, once described how, if you looked at a map of Cornwall, it was reminiscent of a sock, and how, as a child at Christmas, the sock that was hung over the end of the bed was full of chocolate gold coins, fruit, other goodies and nuts - and how the nuts always seemed to be at the toe end of the sock - just like Penzance........
a buzzard takes stock of the cycle path walkers.