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Thursday 8 October 2009

Proposed new purpose built fish market project approved - but now a new delay

The continuing saga of Newlyn's much needed new fish market takes another turn. Despite the business case for the new market development having met with approval from the MFA (Marine & Fisheries Agency) they have postponed their decision pending a review of situation regarding the harbour's governance. With what appears to be a major source of concern, the MFA points out that, despite the considerable investment planned by the harbour, the Newlyn Harbour commissioners have not held a meeting since April of this year. A more detailed account can be found in an article from the local press here.

To add to the mix, a new Harbour Revision Order, currently awaiting sanction and implementation will see a larger board of governors drawn from local business, commercial and community interests.

Campaigning Consol Oils' captain, Kevin Bennets covers many aspects of the current debate in his forthright blog posting recently - his observation that the port of Dingle in Eire has stolen a march on Newlyn by providing a service point for the Spanish Grand Sole fleet is evidence of the substantial economic gains that a forward looking Newlyn could potentially participate in and benefit from.

My feet are cold

Marine growth on the top of a pot that has been lost and found......
maybe just discovered that his socks are missing.......
the sidewinder Excellent, artwork on W&S service van.....
fresh paint job on the Harvest Reaper........
Carol H dhans.......
expecting a long night ahead, Peter, skipper of the ring netter Resolute, takes some light reading aboard.....
just gone seven pm and the Scillonian III passes Battery Rocks......
destination for some will be the cosy Yacht Inn behind the Jubilee Pool......
the evening skies clear after a day of heavy rain.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Listen to the boys!

Grease monkey

Forklift, tubs and ice ready for the sardine boats to arrive........
Ed loads the Ocean Fish wagon........
as the all important running gear on the end of the derrick gets a good dollop of grease.

Top tomato tip

You know the score, in the recipe it calls for fresh tomatoes, skinned and de-seeded, you reach for the can of tinned toms instead why? because skinning the toms is such a pain - not any more........
with a small sharp knife, cut out the top of the toms as above and drop them into a saucepan of boiling water that just covers them.....
whip them out after about 60 secs and, with the knife pushed down through the top of the tom to hold it still on the chopping board, you will find the peel comes away easy as pie - next step, use your hand to squeeze the tom with just enough force the seeds to squish out - voila!

Monday 5 October 2009

Mackerel fisherman, Stuart McClary in St Ives on Countryfile.

While it's still showing on BBC iPlayer, catch top mackerel handline fisherman Stuart McClary as he conjours this summers most elusive of fish from the waters off St Ives. Use the link and then, if you want to ignore the rest of the programme, head in 14 minutes and 30 seconds to catch the start of the spot on line caught mackerel - fish merchant Matthew Stevens introduces before the crew head out to sea on the ever popular Provider.

Back ashore, presenter Jan gets converted to eating superfresh mackerel on a BBQ in front of the everpopular Porthminster Beach Cafe. For the dedicated - here's the recipe from the Countryfile website. Top tip for gastronauts - banana leaves can be found in many florists these days!