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Sunday 12 April 2009


Not quite sure what the attraction is in the oil drum for this young herring gull.....
not a ripple in the harbour on Easter Sunday morning matching the forecast for a glorious day.......
there are two of anything near the water.......
including Ollie stood outside the lifeboat house reflecting on the view, not a bad place to work from.....
one man and his trusty dog, Mousehole harbourmaster Edwin debates what to do with the huge boulder he picked up on his last trip.....
Chris Morley hauls his morning's work off to the cold store.....
the crisp and still conditions force a mist inland.......
while the divers take breakfast al fresco......
on the stern of the ex-beamer Everet Martje.... two of the happy crew wave themselves out through the gaps....

Saturday 11 April 2009


The start of what promises to be a weekend of fine weather......
so its no surprise to see Mr Morley heading out from the gaps to do a spot of handlining for early season mackerel.....
even a few boats are on the move over in Mousehole......
where visitors are confronted by a plethora of information around the bus stop area......
there's a fabulous view out across the island off Mousehole across to Britain's most Southerly point, the Lizard.....
a reminder from one of the few locals left in Mousehole as to the state of the nation........
all calm inside the harbour.....
and in the famous Ship Inn (home of Starry-Gazey Pie) there are still some vacant rooms available....
with any visitors in for a treat in the bar tonight if they are keen on a little rock'n'roll.....
a sign that things appear to be moving, literally for some people ot seems......
Father and son team aboard the Elisabeth Veronique, ably assissted by the on-board entertainments officer, Twinkle check the 60 fathom bridles are the same length.....
more wire waits for the boys on the giant scalloper, Jacoba......
maybe another set of injectors need doing.

Friday 10 April 2009

Weather breaks - Good Friday becomes sailing day for many in the fleet

One up one down, Still work to be done aboard the Cornishman......
ex-Jersey beamer, diving exploration vessel Evert Marutje takes up a berth......
complete with hammocks slung aft side of the wheelhouse.....
the Ripple is rigged and ready to put to sea sometime over Easter......
first of the punts heads out to sea.....
followed by Alan Nudd in the Intuition.....
when the Billy Rowney makes an early re-appearance......
a gaggle of ever-hungry Blackbacks disturb the quietness
taking advantage of the local flower crop, the Smugglers Restaurant sets the tables for the weekend's tide of tourists.....
as yet another boat prepares to sail.....
there's plenty for the visitors to see, though they might become a tad frustrated in their attempts at finding the now defunct Pilchard Works Museum.......
Badcock's Gallery has a colourful show of 3D work......
to attract any passing trippers looking for the Pilchard Works.....
a fine forecast should make a stroll round the harbour top of any visitor's itinerary....
over in Penzance the Ross Bridge is now open for business.....
and there's a big influx of divers who won't be too happy at the weeks heavy swell which will have reduced visibility considerably from what it was last weekend.....
how many local faces (apart from Piglet's) can you spot on this mural outside Bramwell Mill?

Wednesday 8 April 2009

With Easter coming there are plenty of visitors in town

Brixham's beamers continue to fill berths in the harbour......
last of the big netters to land, the Charisma's shot of hake rounds off this neap tide.....
alongside is a good run of turbot waiting to be sold.....

Ocean Fish were in the market for good monk tails this morning from the handful of beamers that landed mid-week.....
the Sasha Emiel is one of the 3m gear boats working up the channel.....
one obvious affect of the days at sea problems North of the border, we find the Tranquility (laying outside the Crystal SeaII, both built at McDuff's yard) has headed south to work on the Smalls ground for langoustine......
a small tow job for Mr Pascoe in the harbour......
local suppliers, Bridon Ropes is kept busy by the biggest scalloper and regular visitor to Newlyn under the command of another Scot, Girvan man Mr Johnson......
its a long time since these were spotted on the quay, boxes from the long-defunct Penzance Harbour Fish Market......
back at the helm to relieve relief skipper Eddie Derriman, and not trusting his side mirrors it seems, Shane takes the St Piran out on patrol......
clodsely followed by the Dom Bosco who will be hoping the crabs are showing signs of being on the move.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Pirates off Penzance?

Let's hope the current economic climate does not tempt some of the local boys to take a leaf out of the Somalian fishermen's book and turn to piracy! Our very own Royal Navy is now activley engaged, along with other EU vessels, in waging a war against the Pirates of Somalia - read the full story here.

Mooring fees on the up at Plymouth

Fishermen at Plymouth face a 30% increase in the cost of mooring on the marina style pontoon berths - see the full story here.