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Tuesday 29 April 2008

Inside a Portuguese vivier lorry

Jersey registered crabber, Pen Y Glas lands to a vivier lorry alongside the fish market......
if you are of a 'Curious Nature', then get along to the newly re-furbished Newlyn Orion Gallery and see their Spring show, running from today till the end of June....
aboard the classic sailboat Aurora, her 'rags' are being neatly stowed after a hard day's sail.....
two cod-ends wait on the quay to be stitched back on the trawls aboard the Sapphire....
the Twilght has relinquished her place on the slip to PZ999, Jannie En Klaas....
showing a bow wave, Katie Clare steams in through the gaps......
on the mini-'boatyard' at the end of the New Quay, another tosher prepares to get a bottom scrub and overhaul.....
landing to a waiting lorry from Trelawney Fish, the George Johannes puts ashore her catch.....
counting the bongos, each containing around 50kgs of fish, as they are hauled aboard the transport.... inside the vivier - both sides of the trailor are lined with stainless-steel tanks through which air is circulated keeping the shellfish alive and kicking on their long journey back to Portugal.....
this is maybe only the second time Portuguese company, Conchamar has taken fish direct from a boat in Newlyn.....
the crabs are taken aboard in 'bongos', made from heavy duty plastic storage drums cut in half - an excellent example of re-cycling in the fishing industry....
still more work on creating the new vivier tanks aboard the Emma Louise.....
up ahead for a bottom scrub, the Shiralee...

Monday 28 April 2008

Harbour box spotted in new job

Spotted over in sunny St Ives at the weekend, a harbour box moonlighting in one of the most popular uses.....
here are three boxes doing their day-job as intended, there's a steady of flow of mackerel in the Bay at the moment, size mix not too bad it seems...
just gone midnight and back in port after 36 hours, skipper Roger on the deck of the Nantewan and mate Roger coming up from the fishroom.....
the Dom Bosco heads away from the market back to a quay berth...
while a few gery mullet wait to be auctioned on the Monday morning market.

Sunday 27 April 2008

Divers back to the mainland

Two old Sputniks and the Twilight are up ahead...
dive boat Evert Martje is back in port after a week over in Scilly...
heading back to Penzance Dock, the ex-MFV Rhos Na Rioch

Saturday 26 April 2008

More beamers in than out

Out in the Bay, George on the Chickadee heads back in to the harbour ahead of the Aaltje Adriante......
and then pushes her into berth....

work continues on the Calisha's gear....
as another beamer arrives, this time its the Trevessa IV......
you don't get better spiders than those from the punt men, like Chris Morley....
backs into their work, still hard at it on the Calisha and yet another use for those ubiquitous green boxes.....
nealry four foot of seaweed growth coming off the bow of the Ripple - after six months in the water it appears that tar is totally ineffective as an anti-fouling treatment for wooden hulls - still years ago many of these boats were drawn up on the beach and dried out often.....
view from the wheelhouse aft on the Seafood Cornwall Quality Award winning Nantewan just before the guys head off to sea...
the Nellie heads back in to land
brand new warps head off down the quay from the drum.

Friday 25 April 2008

Penzance pirate comes ashore

There's some major gear overhaulin' going on at the end of the Calisha's derrick....
and a stack of new dredges waiting on the quayside....
some say this is the sign of the mad axe man of Penzance, others just say, "Hi Jeremy"....
the 'Pirate of Penzance' is on the dockside for some annual TLC below the waterline...
over the other side of the dock is the barge recently towed to the harbour.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Diving charter ready to sail

A fresh gaggle (not sure what the collective noun is) of divers make ready to sail for a week at sea off the Scillies on the ex-Jersey beamer, Evert Martje...
New wheels welded up aboard the Sapphire are ready to roll...
while the St Geoge still has scaffolding around the funnel and rigging, gone are the days of guys hanging by their fingertips, paint pot and brush gripped firmly between their teeth!.....
PZ85's paint job is beginning to brighten up the end of the quay on an otherwise dull day...
back to his berth on the pontoons heads Mr Thomas after an afternoon on the mackerel....
on the Imogen, Roger Nowell Jnr, lands a quality trip of trawl fish to the waiting Iceberg lorry before it gets sold on Plymouth market....
another mackerel punt passes as the Crystal Sea II makes her way up the harbour.....
and into the ice berth.....
there's always time for a cuppa on the Cornishman...
more holes appear in the sides Emma Louise as she gets the final fitments for her new vivier tank.....
on the Calisha from Peterhead the dredges get the hot-metal treatment...
a big step for man and a helluva stretch for shorter legs, though these are preferable to long legs at sea as they provide a far less stable platform and are the cause of numerous headaches for thier owners...
in through the gaps, the Intuition after a day on the pots....

plenty of spare tooth-bars aboard the dredger.