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Tuesday 4 March 2008

Low light tonight

Deck lights on at the end of a day.....
while across on the North Quay, Guilvenec registered, GV 622501the Jacques de Thezac sits low down in the water.

Monday 3 March 2008

Heavy skies and sleet

After the crane paid a visit to Penzance wet dock,
two classic boats were lifted out to have their bottom's done....Offshore Marine Solutions' landing craft is looking spruce after her refit in Penzance Dry Dock.....
waiting patiently for another load of crabs....
Camel Fish provide the wheels....
as the rain lashes the quayside....
the ABS is nearing the completion of her under the waterline work...

as work goes on into the night courtesy of local company, Day & Night Marine...
the hull has been put back together in a neat job.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Picture taken at sea on a netter 200 miles West of Newlyn

These pictures were donated from one of Newlyn's gill-netters fishing for hake, way West of the Scillies.....Always fascinating to watch these guys surfing the boat's bow wave......
you really don't need a dozen of these floating around the Western Approaches - see the Lloyd's List report here.....
always present, a fleet of Spanish trawlers chasing megrim and monk.......
and, of course, a few familiar faces like Drew's CKS.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Images from around the harbour

Visitors must often wonder why some fishing boats provide a chair on the deck, the clue is in the nicking plate in front, as any crabber will tell.....
feeling more like Spring after the sunniest February on record slips into March....
trawled up from the deep, probably from a Spanish boat, Rioja maybe?........
this is what a 40 gallon drum looks like after it has been rolling around on the seabed for a while!......
the Caroline basks in the early morning sunshine....
even the doubled port side lights are aglow....

neat stencil job....over in the Ripple's production yard, her spars are beginning to take shape.

Friday 29 February 2008

Britannia V rules the waves...

Britannia V makes her way down the harbour, half way through the tide, its the dead of the neaps on Saturday...
Over on the slip, the ABS now has some anti-fouling on her bottom....
The Mission's flag responds to an increasingly strong Sou'Westerly breeze......
looks like the harbour swans are keeping Arnie and the boys on the Nellie company while they go through the gear.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Missing gantry

In preparation for a vivier, the cut-out section in the hull of the ABS can clearly be seen.......
while the LIsa has had her 'H' frame gantry removed, the fishroom has a huge dryer pumping air to dry it out.....
starboard nav light from which boat?......
chilled transport is not only used for fish but local veg too!

Sunday 24 February 2008

Cesca through the gaps for the last time sails for Milford

Ex Newlyn crabber Matthew Harvey made the local Scarborough news recently with this rather exuberant entry to the port under ecort from the inshore lifeboat - a vivid illustration of the difference between seas generated by wind on the Esat coast rather than those seas experienced in the Western Approaches that have travelled the breadth of the Atlantic.

Special beamer delivery waits on the quayside...
as the good ship Ajax sails at 8am on Sunday morning for a 20 plus hour steam West....
Maverick from Ramsgate is in port.....
no sign of oil for the prospectors down the quay.....
over on the slip, work is progressing creating a vivier aboard the ABS...
with the stanchions in the old fishroom clearly visible through the hull plating....
the remaining woodwork is taking shape for the Ripple....
with some deft work on show.......
just off the bow.....
good to see Tristan aboard the Silver Dawn putting his back into moving the ice chute!