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Sunday 12 August 2007

Pirates of Penzance

Nonchalant yellow wellies
7.30 am - someone had a good night!
Pirates Chris & Jeremy sail off to plunder the Pits in the Bay.
Varnish always looks good.

Friday 10 August 2007

Dusky waters

View through a beam trawl as the crew go through the gear checking for damage and replacing worn shackles and links that make up the chain mat.
Resurgam on her way in with the Anglian Princess in the background.

Work continues to cut up the EA Webster.The Pride of Cornwall heads out for a night's sardine fishing......
as the Huers under, Tom Pascoe, makes her way in.
Almost low water on the Stone Quay steps.

Thursday 9 August 2007

Twenty years on....

Taken over twenty years ago on the Smalls prawning ground SW of Milford Haven. Brixham beam trawler the Linquenda has just hauled her Australian style twin rigged prawn gear. From memory she worked two 20 fathom IC prawn trawls towed directly off 4 metre long wooden doors. As with the other prawners in the South West, getting a stable market organised for langoustine proved far more difficult than catching them!
Today, on the quayside in Penzance wet dock, Plymouth based beam trawler Admiral Gordon is busy setting her trial twin-rigging gear. This time round the doors are steel and she will target quality white fish, not prawns.
View of the doors suspended from the end of the starboard derrick.
Out in the bay, the Sea Cloud II has dropped anchor for a visit......while, a few metres, just off the prom....the old man aboard there would not have been best pleased should he have picked up this piece of flotsam in his prop - what seems to be an entire beam trawl cod-end - she would have stopped dead!

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Our future is Fishing!

The Conchee from Guilvenec alongside the new quay for mechanical problems.There is no doubt that the future of the harbour must include providing a service for, and working with, pleasure boats - Monday evening saw all the available pontoon berths filled with yachts!Master crab fisherman, Phil Lockley at work.

Monday 6 August 2007

Contrary to the forecast!

Stefan lands an early morning shot of sardines from the Pride of Cornwall.
Crystal Waters is beginning to look spruce as she get her bottom done.
Despite the forecast, you don't get much calmer than this first thing in the morning!
A few of Andrew Pascoe's bass from boat number 3, the Cynthia.
Yellow wellies and flying green boxes.

Sunday 5 August 2007

Visiting vessels from all over

Local Cornish pirate!

and the 'classic' Bristol based working boat Tangaroa.
Landing down the new quay, Nigel from Trelawney fish's Georges Johannes picks up a pallet of fish.
Under the watchful eye of the Anglian Princess anglers fish from the end of the North quay.
Camel Fish's vivier lorry is on the quay to pick up crabs from the Intuition.
Seems Grimmy and the Frogs are in agreement about where it is anyway!

Saturday 4 August 2007

It's all go on Saturday

Matching boat and boxes for the Silver Dawn.

Mum and young blog fan on holiday from Anglesey pose in front of the netter, Girl Patricia, Dad works a 20' Kingfisher out of Holyhead.

Tea and a fag on deck for Mrs yella welly.

Take a trip out to spot the great white shark with Marine Discovery PZ - 0749 277110

Sowenna moves in for ice.

Paint-up on-going aboard the Sapphire.

Trimaran Gem looks a serious ocean boat.

Boxes go back aboard the Ajax , Jemima at the jilson control.

The business of scrapping the Webster starts in earnest with the derrick gantry being lifet off and cut up into sections. Penzance Crane Hire doing the business.

Terry the torch is at it again!

with a helping hand from Clive

Looking more like the day she was built!

Latest addition to the fleet, Crystal Waters II goes up on the slip.

It's Saturday evening and the Valhalla guys are back on the quayside mending, with a litle help from Tom.