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Wednesday 1 August 2007

Catch a crab or buy a hand made dog collar?

Grimmy Mike is doing a roaring trade in his hand-braided dog collars this year down on the pontoons now that he can sell direct from the deck of the J Anne! Mike offers them in a range of colours, Black & Gold for Cornwall, Red, White & Blue for England or France - you get the picture.
The Stevens brothers put ashore another trip from the Crystal Sea but it appears they have some mending to get them through the night.
Off the end of the Old Quay, some trippers get down to some serious crab catching in time honoured tradition.......
as Sam Lambourn heads off for a night's Sardine ring-netting.

Up go the tuna poles!

The Ajax goes up on the slip.
Recently sold, and now round in Penzance, the Ben Loyal now sports a fine set of steel tangons poles ready to chase tuna off in the deep water.
Visiting Falmouth classic boats, Lyonesse and Veryan grace Newlyn marina with their presence.
Bobby Laity sorts a shot of red and grey mullet on the market.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

WS&Ss' Ex Admiralty MFV 'Elizabeth Ann Webster' towed to her final berth.

Scalloper Jacoba makes her way to the quay at the end of an other trip, this time in fine weather, a must for scalloping even for a boat of this size!
A shaded Shane steers Cornwall Sea Fisheries protection vessel St Piran towards a berth on the new quay from the flying bridge....ably assisted by 'I see no ships (only hardships)' Zac and crew....
Under tow, the EAW or Webster makes her way to her final berth before being broken up by the scrap team.
The harbour punt has been called in to assist in the manouvre, carried out at high water on the spring tide in order to get her as far up the quay as possible.
Harbour Master, Andrew Munson steps nimbly ashore to speak with the Clive from the scrap team.......
as the bow rope is made good....
and the Chickadee heads back to her berth, job done...and her helmsman couldn't possibly recall the number of times the Chickadee has been called on to move the EAW!

The world seems a better place with a morning like this!

Stern view of a punt.....
Aptly named, Silver Dawn at dawn
Andrew Pascoe's Lamorna basks in the glow....
The Billy Rowney is still undergoing a major refit.
Local gull shatters the peace!Out in the Bay, the Anglian Princess watches over a moored yacht as two 'Battery Rocks dippers' swim back towards the pool.

Monday 30 July 2007

Tides wait for no man - Sapphire rushes to get the job done.

Working till its dark, the guys cut off the old anodes and weld on the new.

Cornwall gets another great white shark?

Not one, but a trio of yellow wellies today....
and it seems they bring out the best in people!
Aboard the Aurora, YoYo and Phil demonstrate their more sophisticated fish-finding technique to some trippers who wanted to know how they find the fish - like this they said!
This grizzly looking specimen was just one of twenty odd Porbeagle sharks landed this Monday morning on Newlyn Fish Market.
David Pascoe and daughter Sadie enjoy a more leisurely paddle alongside the more serious gig rowers!
Don't forget your fresh sardines for the BBQ coming ashore from the fleet at the moment. Stefan on the Pride of Cornwall ices away.
Good to see the boss busy with the chipping hammer aboard the Sapphire...
looka risky, cutting in at the top of the mast...but.... it seems risk assessement for health and safety has made painting up the masts a more serious affair - gone are the days of being suspended from some gash rope with a brush in one hand and pot of paint in t'other!

Sunday 29 July 2007

Gig Avarack in training

Carol H joins the rest of the netters in to land at the end of the tide.
Newlyn's world famous Jelbert's ice cream being eaten by a pair of yellow wellies!
Another training session for the Pendeen gig Avarack