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Monday 12 December 2011

Monday morning - with a forecast looking less than promising for the week.

Big moon means a big tide as the netters look forward to a week ashore.......
and big tides mean big squids........
and even, it seems,big bass fishing at the Stone.......
enough to keep the big boats and big buyers happy.......
paying big bucks for these monk tails.......
getting plenty of interest from a few market visitors........
fishes view through the hand grip of a harbour box.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Ajax lands at the end of another neep tide.

Skipper talk, discussing the forecast for the coming week........
as the first of the boxes exit the fishroom.......
ready for Monday's market.......
with an extra pair of hands to make things easier......
it's time for the Ajax to get her fish ashore......
steady as she goes.......
before heading for the market fridge......
looks worse than it is.......
the rub marks on the stern give an indication just how much she rolled her way home from west of the Scillies.......
Tom texts the news ashore.......
before heading up top........
to haul a few tiers of nets ashore......
then it's time for a visit from the monk-man.......
just the paperwork to do........
back on the harbour, the fender production line is in full swing.......
someone's set Debs off again!

Saturday 10 December 2011

All in a day's work.

An AIS shot of three boat's tracks. The top boat is a gill netter working gear on some inshore ground before moving off and stopping at a couple of wrecks. While the bottom tracks show two inshore trawlers, both shooting in an area known locally as 'the Westen Ends' before towing out towards the ground known as 'Nor'west of the Wolf' (as in Wolf Rock Lighhouse).

Christmas lights and shiny new marine electronics.

One set of mackerel feathers washed up minus the hooks, must have been down there for some time......
an evening of fun and entertainment for all the family, young and old alike, the Mission's Christmas special this Friday - in the Mission, all very welcome........
contact 0785504497 for more info on this Cygnus 19 for sale.......
Nigel has a few soft eye parlour pots for sale.......
just arrived despite the snow from the far north.......
clean and calm enough this morning, good to see the sky is still blue up there........
even though the clouds look a little menacing........
ready for the off, engines running on the Sparkling Line........
long shadows over the marina pontoons........
the harbour workhorses for the Stevenson fleet sit quietly........
all smiles despite the early hour for crab king, cap'n Harris........
bits of gear going down the quay with haker Andrew Stevens.......
early finish for the baby of the Ocean Fish ring net fleet.......
a few gallons of zinc has gone on the hull of PZ1001..........
despite appearances, the remaining timber on those worm-eaten fenders is still in top condition - amazing stuff wood.......
down comes a shower........
plenty of buffs for plenty of gear........
proud of the Irish connection, the Stevens can race their roots back to Irish antecedents, most likely shipwrecked when skipper Elijah failed to keep a good lookout........
top quality job on the engine and electrics box aboard the Benediction........
with easy access to the important engine bits....... 
ice time.........
good to see two trees gone in place this morning.......
and a third just gone up........
under the watchful eye of harbour lights stalwart George, next year's lights will be in doubt as the cost of insurance rose to over £4,000 this year!

Peter Neale 13th January 1947 - 29th November 2011

Yet another fisherman from Porthleven has gone to the great wheelhouse in the sky - anyone hoping for tea and buns at his wake in the Blue Anchor stands about as much chance of doing so as seeing Peter the Greek walk in wearing guyliner!

Friday 9 December 2011