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Friday, 3 January 2025

Landings for the first #FishyFriday in Newlyn for 2025

First in to land for Thursday evening, the Serene Dawn and the Charlotte Clare...

begin the process of putting their sardine catches ashore, ice at the ready...

and empty tubs retrieved from the waiting artic...

before being lined up along the quayside...

next in to land, the Lyonesse...

first to unload, the crew on the Serene Dawn spring into action...

under the blaze of Xmas lights...

the first of the brails swings ashore...

as the Lyonesse crew hook in the tubs...

before swinging them ashore - the brightly covered fish are about to be given the Wild Seas Fishing lure treatment...

Joe is hoping its not going to be too long a night sat in the chilly confines of the ice works office, with only a flask of coffee to keep him company...

as more tubs of sardines come ashore - tonight's shoal was chased from inside Penzance Dock no less...

around fifteen tons of sardines coming ashore...


Friday's auction wasshort of fish, supplied mainly by a handful of hardy handliners, with Young Will on the Rachel & Paul matching old hand Shane on the Ali Cat pound for pound in the battle of the bass men - though Cod, the bass-meister was way ahead on the Butts....

nearing the end of a day that started at 3am for Nick Mackrory aboard his boat Gemini

the one big boat to land was the beam trawler, Trebssa IV, with a few haul's worth to get her going in the 2025 landings book.