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Friday 15 September 2023

Fine #FishyFriday in Newlyn


The SeaFit team and other health practitioners are in Newlyn again today...

like this cormorant, keeping an eye on local fishermen as they go about their day in the Bay...

and it's not a bad start to the day either...

with the market chocka with fish...

like these cracking hake from the netter Ygraine...

and the Silver Dawn...

together with ever present spurdogs...

alweys good to see some of the old timers like Magic still going strong directing operations on the market this morning...

amongst the sharks...

young Roger will have been disappointed with this slack haul of John Dory...

inshore boats land a good mix of fish and shellfish...

three boxes at a time, there's no stopping the man it seems...

while young Tom seems to have hot on a few golden beauties...

others are waiting for some scraps...

monk would go down well no doubts...

haddock are back on the menu again...

there are a few megs to go round...

from the beamers that landed...

the handliners found a few mackerel, mainly off St Ives...

along with plenty of bass...

to keep the guys happy...

along with the much harder to find or rather catch, sardines...

testament to the handliners efforts...

from the likes of Gary on the Bethshan

and still they come...

busy enough on the market...

as the sun breaks through...

no doubt it will be rocing again tonight in the Swordfish with the rugby set to keep the troops entertained...

she's looking shiny!..

as the lifeboat exactly where she should be...

any boxes missing?..

there's light on the pontoon access...

rumour has it they plan to paint the iconic red light at the end of Gwavas Quay black to comply with the regulations for lights no longer deemed relevant...

just a slight haze across the bay...

just some of the fleet at rest...

a young gull halfway through losing their first set of feathers...

a slightly piratical look...

young Richard is off to PZ to give the bottom a scrub for the day as the forecast is giving it scuffly later...

there's a few big mullet still cruising the harbour...

Cape Cornwall's fleet of gigs at rest.