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Tuesday 8 August 2023

Calling Cornish fishermen!


My name is Lottie - I am doing research on how there is less and less space for fishing boats because of other activities like wind farms, wave hiubs and marine protected areas (MPAs). I want to hear from fishermen about how this affects them.

If you would like to take part, I will interview you for about 40-60 minutes. We can meet in the harbour, a cafe, or online, whichever you prefer. I want to hear about your experiences and how these things are affecting you, and how it is affecting your community.

  • I am interested in Learning about you 
  • Hearing examples of any competition for space in reality 
  • Hearing about how it might affect you 
  • Hearing about how it might affect your community

Your participation is completely anonymous and you can opt out at any time. Your answers will help me understand how activities other than fishing are affecting some Cornish fishermen, which is an important issue that is often overlooked.

Thank you for your time.

Contact Information 

If you would like to participate or have any further queries, please contact Lottie Pearson at: cp752@exeter.ac.uk