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Monday 22 May 2023

Monday morning finds the Scottish prawn fleet in Newlyn.

Finally the weather seems to have settled...

which will mean the tug will be back for these two in a few days time...

following the departure of these old stalwarts of Stevenson's fleet...

headed for a scrapyard in Belgium...

with no beam trawlers landed over the weekend it was down to the visiting Scottish prawn boats to fill the market with whole monk...

of all sizes...

the 'bait' that the monk dangles in front of its cavernous jaw can clearly be seen here...

there were good trips from the local inshore trawlers too...

with quality fish like these John Dory...

Couch's bream...

and superb red mullet...

turbot a-plenty...

that often seem to travel in pairs, the up side and downside to veery turbot is clear to be seen...

both types of squid on offer from the Spirited Lady...

while Dovers...


and lemon sole from the prawners...

inshore boats continue to pick away on the eight leggers...

the use of seaweed is he traditional way of keeping shellfish like lobsters alive when not able to be kept in seawater...

a fine BBQ treat in the offing...

tow of the prawn fleet...

while the Cornishman undergoes another major overhaul...

Ocean Vision back in Newlyn...

with plenty of trawl work to keep skipper Zander busy...

headed for the slip...

nothing beats the morning light says Breton artist Christophe, currently visiting Newlyn...

along with friends on their yacht...

nearly made it to the cradle...

atypical trawl wear and tear, the combination fishing line has parted at the splice, always a fun job replacing that!...

the latest entries in the slipway record book...

which go back to day one, these from back in the 80s...

'PD', the Slipmeister and his kingdom...

she'll have to wait for high-water this evening before being slipped...

as the cradle needed to be made narrower to accommodate her beam...

a day sailer...

as another visiting prawner arrives...

the Ocean Crest heads in through the gaps.