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Wednesday 18 December 2013

Latest EU quota news! - 2014 quota decisions from Brussels

33% cut in Haddock quota in the Celtic Sea

22% cut in Whiting quota in the Celtic Sea

9% cut in 014 quota decisions from Brussels

33% cut in Haddock quota in the Celtic Sea

22% cut in Whiting quota in the Celtic Sea

9% cut in prawn quota in the Irish Sea and off south & west coasts.

49% increase in the Hake quota

30% increase in the Celtic Sea Herring fishery off the south coast

13% increase in the mackerel quota

55% quota increase in the large Boarfish fishery off the south west 36% increase in the Blue Whiting quota for the north west

20% increase in the Megrim quota for the north west

22% increase in the Haddock quota in Rockall

15% increase in the Monkfish quota for the south and westprawn quota in the Irish Sea and off south & west coasts.

49% increase in the Hake quota

30% increase in the Celtic Sea Herring fishery off the south coast

13% increase in the mackerel quota

55% quota increase in the large Boarfish fishery off the south west

36% increase in the Blue Whiting quota for the north west

20% increase in the Megrim quota for the north west

22% increase in the Haddock quota in Rockall

15% increase in the Monkfish quota for the south and west