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Breathing New Life into Newlyn’s Old Harbour The first stage of restoring Newlyn’s historic Old Harbour has been successfully completed, wi...

Friday, 20 September 2013

#FishyFriday to one and all with flavour of life along the shore in Mount's Bay

With a few days of poor wetaher interrupting proceedings there were ni full trips to sell on the market this morning...

thought the Cornishman had a good shot of megrim soles again...

with mackerel still maing sure they will appear on the menu of local restaurants...

though all of them would have fought over this stonkingly good example of a red mullet...

eight legs are better than none...

top o' the tide sees the huge scalloper Jacoba go into a drying out berth up ahead...

ready to land, the port's super crabber, Emma Louise...

not the home of Martin Clunes, but another windfarm cat on passage...

end of seasaon yachts on the pontoons...

leave go the ends and head for Falmouth in perfect conditions...

maing their way #throughthegaps...

closely followed by one of the local inshore fleet...

the boat that did get cauight in the bad weather earlier in the week was picked up by Penlee Lifeboat...

with her shredded main sail...

and equally shredded foresail...

coming astern...

the windfarm cat heads out to sea...

#leakytap #newwasher just as well the harbour has its own water supply form its very own reservoir...

busy on the quay...

dont miss this chance to be entertained and fed!, local chef patron Keir Meikle of the Navy Inn presides ocer an eveing of pescatorial pleasure in St peter's Church hall in Nerwlyn next Tuesday...

one foot paassenger Scilly bound via the Scillonian strolls along the prom...

while a few pots are hauled off Battery Rocks...

where the Battery Rockers enjoy a better morning for a dip...

strong colours in a Chapel Street shop window brighten the town...

while the last of the summer's beachdwellers takes time out.