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Monday 25 February 2013

Budding Rose and others use social media to defend the work they have done on discards!

Skipper Peter Bruce on the Budding Rose is just one of a number of Scottish trawler skippers who have embraced social media to help promote their conservation work on discards and counter the attacks on the industry created by HFW's  FishFight campaign.

She fishes mainly for cod, whiting, coley, hake and whiting along with her pair-partner Lapwing from her home port of Peterhead.

  1.  have ever heard him say anything good about my industry ..he never mentions the good work we done to help stocks recover!
  2.  hope everyone in shetland is supporting the campaign
  3.  totally agree ..but maybe they're trying and not bring heard  is their to help

  4.  disappointed to see your unbalanced interview with HFW regarding fishstocks and mpa's.Why no fishermens view to balance the item?
  5.  he calling for 100 mpa s when they get 100 theyll want 200 never enough!!
  6. SWFPA is linking with award winning chipper. the Bay at Stonehaven, to tell the story in a short video of MSC North Sea Scottish Haddock.
  7.  Can also be known as the 'British Broadcasting Corruption'.....”true !
  8. Phone the bbc why no fishing industry representation against Hugh 0500909693
  9. Hugh's what's his name now on the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation!! 
  10.     is very friendly with a ex fishermen l know .. She is very supportive of his charity
  11.    l know for a fact that does care about fishing industry she has proved that before

Lead role in the Trawlermen series Jimmy Buchan aboard the Amity II is back on line again - expect to see more of these guys as they make a case for the many years of work and effort they have put into cutting discards

  1. Request from Hugh Fairnley Whitingstill to be my Facebook friend! Not going to happen!! until we educate him better
  2.   I buy a lot of seafood Jimmy, and I make sure its always British, we have the finest seafood in the world Sir!
  3.  getting on great, all we need is for consumers to consider eating UK caught fish and support the UK fishermen.
  4.  I only wish you could deliver! Breakfast followed Scallops and if Carlyn is in deep fried chocolate!!