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Saturday 21 July 2012

Leather Back Turtle in the Bay

Today Francis and I set off again to free some pots, which had become hitched. The weather was fantastic, but the tides were still strong so we decided to go for low water slack. Just passed St Clements Island near what the locals call the Trees, when Francis spots a Leather Back Turtle.
This was the biggest turtle I have ever seen and I have seen my fair share, diving in the Red Sea, Caribbean, Bahamas etc...
The only way I can describe its size is that it was about the size of a small car..
Shame we could not get any closer as we would only spook the turtle
Others then moved in to see what can only be described as a truly amazing sight, both Francis and I agreed that this was definitely the highlight of the day. Kev Penney

Comment from the Ajax:

@ThroughTheGaps thats the third on i heard of this week Chunky (Harvest Reaper) seen one also 51.05N..007.00W Wedensday morning