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Sunday 10 June 2012

Falmouth Coastgurad gets a thank you from Sarah Outen in the Pacific Ocean

Listen to the last broadcast from Sarah Outen using iPadio aboard her rowing boat before she was picked up in a rescue coordinated by Falmouth Coastguard over 6,000 miles away.

"Sarah is now safe aboard the recovery vessel sent by the Japanese Coastguard. Sarah is now making her way to back to Japan. Thank you for all your messages of support and a huge thanks to the Coastguards in Falmouth and Japan for such a swift response and for getting Sarah aboard the recovery vessel safe and sound in difficult sea conditions. We are awaiting final confirmation of details of Sarah’s arrival in Japan and will let you know more once we have further information. All the best The London2London Team"
 Japanese Translation セーラは海上保安庁の巡視船によって無事救助されました 2012年6月8日 セーラは海上保安庁の巡視船によって無事救助され、現在日本に向って航行中です。 温かいサポートメッセージをお寄せくださった皆様、そして非常に迅速に対応し悪天候の中セーラを保護するために尽力を尽くして下さった日本の海上保安庁およびファルマスの湾岸警備隊の皆様に心より御礼申し上げます。 セーラの日本到着日時などの詳細につきましても、最終確認が取れ次第お伝えさせていただきます。 The London2London Team

Here is the post on round-the-world Sarah Outen's London2London blog just after the news broke that she had been succssfully picked up by a Japanese Coastguard vessel. Typhoon Mawar proved too much for both Sarah and Charlie Martell who has also had to be rescued. Both rower's boats were subjected to 30-50 foot waves which proved their undoing as damage to the hulls ensued.