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Friday 10 February 2012

Worst fish restaurant? - Chef and fishmonger Mitch Tonks fights back!

Mitch Tonks cooking with Matt Dawson down the quay in Newlyn.

Here's the most recent post on Mitch Tonks' blog - highlighting some of the mis and dis-information that surrounds the sourcing and supply of sustainable fish in the UK and the potential downside of MSC accreditation - when the law of unintended consequences kicks in and muddies the water.

"Communication is Key: When I was first in the fish business I didn’t ever hear the word sustainability, now thanks to some of the great campaigning work that has been done it’s become a topic deeply rooted in our behaviour and thinking. For us in the industry we have access to good opinion and knowledge, but for the consumer, the ones who really matter, it’s a different story. The amount of confused messaging must be as damaging as it is guiding. Don’t eat this and don’t eat that then pick up another book or read another blog and it’s ok. The fact is that there is so much mixed messaging that I wouldn’t be surprised if consumers gave up on it and hoped that their retailer or restaurant had done all the work for them. 
Take the cod argument for example, a recent brilliant TV show that highlighted some of the poorer practices in commercial fishing also said categorically “Cod is of the menu “ – why ? Norway as an example produces over 700,000 tonnes of MSC approved fish, we’ve always imported more cod than we catch locally yet you would believe we’ve eaten it all from broad statements like that. And, whatever we may think, gurnard and dabs will not replace cod consumption. I am lucky to have spent time as a fishmonger and chef and have access to some great people across the industry and strongly believe that our policies in my business ate the right ones. But I recently discovered that in the new Fish 2 Fork guide that my restaurants along with another well know seafood chef were rated as one of the worst in country. 
How? Why? I contacted them and they told it was because I sold plaice & ray which are on the “red” list, if I took them off I could score higher. We take sustainability seriously in our business with MSC accreditation and other practices, I live in Brixham and talk it all day long with the guys out on the front line. The South West fisheries are know to be well managed and controlled, most of my fish is from there. When I look out my window and see the tiny fleet that makes up England’s biggest port it’s hard to imagine there are enough boats and days at sea to regress stocks, in fact the news about our fishery is positive down here. I did my research on plaice and challenged my poor rating with Fish 2 Fork. In the East Channel we know there is a discards problem associated with French fishermen. Unless tackled it will most certainly keep the stock under pressure. The science advice is that stock status is "unknown" because of lots of variables. However the signs are that the stock is rising and the fishing pressure is falling. The science says "do not increase catches and do something about discards”. 
In West Channel, the Brixham fishery, the picture is clearer and better. The science says there has been a dramatic cut in fishing pressure, mainly due to the Beam trawlers cutting pressure on sole. This has been under the long-term sole management plan. The biomass of plaice is skyward! We know there are migration uncertainties involving East Channel, but discards are known to be much lower in this fishery than in East. The beam trawlers in West Channel are still using the gear developed in the Project 50% Trials and are seeing great improvements in catch quality, much reduced discards rates and they are not catching the smaller end of the mature size-ranges. It's a good news story! If West Channel plaice was managed by single-area quotas we would have 33% to 45% increased quota for 2012, but the quota is combination of West and East channel, with the East being the far bigger portion. 
All in all, the picture is one of Brixham vessels doing their best to deliver more, within sustainable limits. The ray we buy from the market are not targeted species but bi-catch, it would seem wrong to not buy them when they are landed. I thought I would look at the top rated restaurants – what am I doing wrong? One that I looked at used 4 species of fish on it’s menu, 2 of them, gurnard and pollock, which are being hailed as the new species to eat have huge challenges, pollock caught on the South Coast is tighter controlled than ever and gurnard is data deficient and we are unable to form a true picture of the stocks – even I’m confused, let alone a consumer! 
The reasons our ratings are so low is that all of the Fish 2 Fork opinion comes from one source, the MCS (Marine Conservation Society) now I’m not saying they are wrong but I am saying that one body does not have all the answers and should not be dishing out blanket advice without balancing it with the other great work and opinions that are out there. Please please please let’s get the communication right and clear about all this so those ultimately eating seafood can make proper informed choices."

Mitch Tonks' blog can be seen here