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Saturday 21 January 2012

Penlee lifeboat escorts French trawler.

Penlee lifeboat was called out to escort a French trawler with a fouled propellor at the weekend. In these instances the lifeboat is called on to provide additional security - in fresh southerly/sou'easterly conditions entering Newlyn can be difficult - fickle changes to the strong currents in the gaps can force an incoming vessel to veer hard to port - as Thierry, the skipper of the Breton trawler Kristel Vihan found out!

Here's the full story courtesy of cox Parch harvey: 

"The volunteer crew at Penlee RNLI lifeboat station had a busy day yesterday (Sunday 15 January) with three incidents in seven hours. Their weekend activities were disrupted to assist two separate French trawlers and a surfer in difficulties. The crew onboard the Penlee all-weather lifeboat Ivan Ellen first launched at 2.30pm to assist a sixty foot French trawler that had a fouled propeller and was making little headway in the poor weather conditions in Mounts Bay. 
As the lifeboat approached the vessel Falmouth Coastguard informed the crew that a surfer had got into difficulties near Praa Sands so the crew immediately diverted. In 14 minutes the lifeboat was on scene, arriving at the same time as the Search and Rescue helicopter from Culdrose. They quickly spotted the surfer in the sea and winched him to safety. The Penlee lifeboat volunteers then headed back to the French trawler and escorted it into Newlyn Harbour arriving at 4.15pm. The pagers were to sound once again when at 7.20pm the crew of the Penlee all-weather lifeboat were launched to another French trawler with a fouled propeller that was being towed towards Newlyn by a second fishing boat. The RNLI crew escorted the vessels for two miles then secured a rope to the trawlers stern to act as a brake while the vessel was being towed through the gaps at Newlyn harbour. The lifeboat crew ensured the vessel was moored safely alongside before returning to station at 9.20pm.
Andrew Munson, RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager at Penlee, says; ‘The sea conditions were poor in Mounts Bay with a south easterly force seven and a rough sea. Towing any vessel through the harbour entrance is very difficult at the best of times, but the lifeboat crew and the French trawler crew that they were towing, worked well together and got the vessel through the gap without any problems. Today has proved the commitment of our volunteer crew members at Penlee, responding immediately to three shouts in one day and on a Sunday when many would have been planning to spend time with their families. I thank them all for what they do.’
Video courtesy of RNLI video.