
Wednesday 10 May 2023

Visitors from north of the border.

Local lugger, the Barnabas is in the middle of an annual repaint and repair - anyone interested in sailing aboard this superb vessel full of history need only get in touch with the Cornwall Maritime Trust...

with settled weather and the end of the spring tide there was plenty of movement in the harbour this morning...

as Penwith Marine prepared to take Brackan's generator of the Uggie Newport's waiting transport...

after hitching up the IRB...

the guys watch as she is carefully hoisted ashore for her six-monthly service...

just arrived this morning the prawn trawler Revival...

was joined by the Orion...

and the Ocean Vision...

it's smiles all round on the Enterprise...

as she finally heads for the gaps on her way out for the next trip...

allowing the Revival to get alongside the quay...

astern of the Orion...

with time just for a short pause...

before all hands set to scrubbing down the paintwork - ...

- a move every fishing boat goes through at the end of a trip...

in order to keep the boats in good order...

all the visiting prawn boats land their langoustine to a lorry...

a scene nicely captured by the Newlyn Fishing webcam...

traditionally, Scottish vessels land their monk whole...

the fish from all three boats will be ready for Thursday's auction...

looks like the Crystal Sea has a new trawl to take on board.