
Tuesday 9 May 2023

Coronation weekend fish and cruise ship.

Ferrying its passengers to and fro' Penzance by ship's lifeboats, the French cruise ship Le Bellot spent the weekend anchored in Mounts Bay...

before heading around the corner for Liverpool and then Dublin...

with the Bank Holiday over...

the fish auction was back in full swing early on Tuesday morning with quality fish like these red mullet...


and John Dory from the beam trawler Enterprise...

not to be distracted by the celebrations ashore, the inshore trawlers all put in trips...

to kickstart the week with the best possible fish...


megrim sole...

and Dovers...

speedily packed up...

while the inshore punts and toshers made good landings of tagged bass...

Tom must have been pleased at the sight of John Dory dropping out of the cod end...

to go with the rest of his trip...

and some big octopus...

from boats like the Benediction added to the miix...

just in time to catch the morning auction, Penlee lifeboat cox Parch Harvey swings a few boxes of cuttles ashore at the market helped out by the ever-cheerful Cod...

who then steamed off to put the boat back in its pontoon berth...

while Patch sorts and weighs his cuttle catch...

never have so may of these big fish been caught as this year, and with their appetite for lobsters a worrying trend for local pot men in the future...

mackerel were also a feature of landings from the punts...

at this time of year scallopers from as far away as Scotland venture southwards, the Peterhead registered Evening Star between trips...

she works seven dredges a side...

the first boat to go up on the newly repaired slip is the Joy of Ladram, let's hope she comes down as easily as she went up...

another visiting scalloper, working six a side, the Aylee Rose from Falmouth...

inshore trawler sterns...

with a fleet of hake nets on the quay it looks like the boys on the Karen of Ladram have their work cut out today!