
Wednesday 17 January 2018

Black rivers of gold as late-season cuttlefish strike and boost Newlyn fish market!

VesselTracker's mobile marine AIS app shows a big fleet of French trawlers using the Cornish peninsula to to shelter from storm Fiona...

as the netting fleet takes shelter in the harbour of Newlyn...

the market starts the day almost as black inside as out...

with the market floor awash...

with sepia (cuttlefish) ink...

along with the big shot of hake from the netter, Ajax...

and this huge haul of cuttles from the beam trawler, Cornishman...

the hake went to a wide range of buyers...

destined for mainly UK markets, a far cry from pre-MSC Certification days when more than 90% of hake would go direct to Spain...

the latest fish to receive attention from the retail industry is the pouting - long since deemed to be a poor cousin to the whiting of cod...

while plaice have always been a popular flatfish for the restaurant trade...

unlike conger eel - a great addition to fish soup or stews - and an even better base for fish cakes with its firm, fibery flesh...

unlike the fish that TV chef extraordinaire Keith Floyd always referred to as the 'King of Fish, the sea bass...

though these days a better educated fish-eating public are enjoying other equally delicious fish like these big tub gurnards that hold their own on any dining table...

every bit as tasty and rewarding to eat as classic fish like these bream and turbot...

"mirror, mirror on the floor".....

who has the blackest boots of all...

as the buyers bid their way through the last of the tubs of black-gold...

looking spotless after washing off all the cuttlefish ink...

most of which was removed yesterday evening from topsides as the boat steamed headlong into storm Fiona on the way back to Newlyn!