
Wednesday 17 January 2018

Check out the all new all singing all dancing Cornish Fish Producer's Organisation's website!

The Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation, the local not for profit co-operative for fishermen (of all vessel sizes) in Cornwall, has launched a new website that celebrates the diversity, strength and vibrancy of the Cornish fishing fleet. Members’ testimonies and stories of Cornish fishing heritage help to make this site more than a members' portal for information, it provides an opportunity to learn more about the fishermen that help to land your local Cornish catch and gives us insight into one of the most diverse and sustainable fishing fleets in Europe.

Paul Trebilcock, the CFPO’s Chief Executive shares a few words about the launch:
 “Over the years the CFPO has grown and evolved under the guidance and full control of its members, who are mainly Cornish fishermen, and it remains the genuine voice of fishing today. Now, with the launch of our new website, we have a unique platform to continue to help celebrate and promote the great diversity and sustainability of the Cornish fleet. 
Along with tailored quota and policy information for CFPO members, the new website offers striking photography, excellent stories of sustainability and a chance for the public to learn more about the fishermen who land their local Cornish catch”
Within the new website, you can find links to:

Take an opportunity to explore the new site here: or get in contact if you would like to see your Cornish fishing image or story presented on the site.