
Tuesday 3 October 2017

Hunting cuttlefish from a punt off Cadgwith.

Here's a great insight into a relatively new method of fishing for cuttlefish being developed locally by punt fisherman Simon Bradley on the Lizard.:

Says Simon: "Well I've set my little boat to work catching cuttles by hook & line working two or three rods at a time depending on conditions.

"The filming is over a couple of fishing sessions - The first of which I landed 103 cuttlefish working my boat solo. (3 Octopus also came aboard which I retained for taking direct impressions in oils back at my studio)."

"Filming here is of cuttles cuttling about on the seabed & encountering lures which I was using to catch them on suitable rods."

"Goes to show an open 16ft boat can share in the current cuttlefish demand as more people cotton on that they can be even better than squid - prepared, cooked & served right that is!"

Ed: Here's a couple of tried and tested recipes to enjoy fresh cuttlefish!

Sophie Grigson's Cuttlefish in Red wine and tomato sauce and a classic traditional Sicillian dish with a little Cornish & Sicillian history thrown in for good measure!

"No need to litter the seabed with traps nor damage habitat through trawling. I firmly believe that line caught cuttles & octopus should demand a premium to the right market."

"Hope that my footage is of interest - PZ849 Working way South West - Cornwall. .... Possibly the smallest inkiest boat in the West."

NB. I've just noticed that I've mis-typed my boat name in my own credits - reckon I'm better at Fishing for Cephalopods than correcting my computer mistakes so I'll let it lie!"

"Best fishes from Cornwall,"

Simon K Bradley: 'Stargazy Pie' - PZ849