
Wednesday 4 October 2017

No snowflake here.

He's smiling because he's back aboard his boat again! - Cod, aka Steven Astley  lost both legs below the knee and a few fingertips through sepsis last year has just spent a small fortune getting the boat shipshape so that he can get back to see hand-lining for mackerel and line fish for bass and reclaim the title of top bass fisherman in Newlyn  - never a quitter, despite the challenge of now being at sea with two titanium legs, Cod in his usual self-effacing way, was more concerned with me giving Jesse Walters a plug for the gorgeous signwriting job on his boat, Butts! - best of luck to Cod when he first dips his feathers in the briny again...

tell-tale signs the beamer has been fishing for cuttles - that's why many of the Brixham boats now have black boxes!...

back over the road in Cornwall Painting Holidays studio Henrietta is hard at work on a couple of fish market paintings...

one of which is all about the early morning light that streams through the plastic doorway covers every morning in the summer months - a sight that will sadly be lost with the new market building...

partner Tim Hall has just submitted a few works to this year's Royal Society of Marine Artists exhibition at the Mall Gallery in London...

a bonnie morning for the Bonnie Grace.