
Monday 2 October 2017

Monday morning market in Newlyn.

There's a temporary break in landings board information while it is re-located to the far end of the fish market so in the meantime it's straight into the fish which this morning included a shot of huge whiting and blue sharks from the Karen of Ladram, one of three netters to have fish on the market...

all carefully supervised by Roger...

and these ling keeping an eye on...

pollack from the Charisma...

and the Joy of Ladram...

while the buyers bid on a big trip of hake...

and a few good sized turbot...

while fish from the one beam trawler, Resurgam was sold very quickly...

just giving CFPO man Andy Wheeler enough time to extol the virtues of the Cornish sole to ...

a fascinated group of Exeter University's Msc in Sustainable Development Masters students...

seeing at first hand how a select number of netters have been granted a quota for spurdogs after years of having a ban on landing them...

no sign of any plaice this week - back to the two Ms, the staple diet of beam trawl fishing from Newlyn,  megrims and monk...

more than enough to keep the buyers busy and the prices high with poor weather up north guaranteeing a dearth of fish elsewhere......

just room for a few boxes on the about-to-be-closed end of the market...

one of those Mediterranean species gets the once over from some of the international students who  make up half the numbers of the course...

a Couch's bream a not so rare visitor to SW waters these days...

just one of the 38 species landed this morning in Newlyn...

back down the quay, the Crystal Sea has some major gear repairs lined up for the day...

with her nets spread up the quay.