
Wednesday 16 August 2017

Please take part in this year's crucial Seafish Fleet survey!

The UK has a hugely diverse fleet with many sectors represented by a handful of people - this is your chance to be heard!

As part of Seafish's main areas of focus we seek to provide accurate,e, timely data to inform decision making. Data gathered during the Annual Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet provides the foundation for a number of reports and all of our bespoke expert advice. In order to provide information, analysis and this advice, we need your help.

Every summer, Seafish seek to speak to as many vessel owners and skippers as part of our annual Fleet Survey. The 10 week project enables the Seafish economics team to build an up-to-date picture of fleet performance as they visit ports around the UK. It also doubles as an opportunity to gather stories for our Quay Issues magazine.

The results, published on an annual basis across our Quay Issues suite of reports, are intended to help industry and policy makers better understand the socioeconomic consequences of changes in fisheries management measures and the wider financial climate.

Those who take part in the survey can benefit directly by requesting a financial performance benchmark report. These reports allow vessel owners to compare the performance of their own vessel with the average performance of other similar vessels.

Steve Lawrence, Economics Project Manager, said: "Thanks to the participation of several hundred vessel owners, the Economics Team at Seafish has been able to accurately represent the economic performance of the UK fishing fleet for a number of years."

"Only with the continued support of the industry can we keep up this hugely valuable exercise, producing outputs that allow us to better understand the industry as a whole and to inform key decision makers. Therefore, we would encourage skippers and boat owners to speak to our researchers and complete the survey so that we can present the most accurate picture possible."

The survey is supported by the national federations and local associations around the UK. All information provided is treated as confidential and no individual vessel figures will be revealed in any report.

A team of four researchers will conduct the survey with vessel owners. Regular updates will be tweeted as researchers work their way around the coast and progress can also be followed @seafishuk.

If you would like to take part in the survey, or for more information, please contact Steven Lawrence on 0131 524 8663, or if you would like to view the latest reports generated by the survey please visit the Industry Economics section of the website.