
Friday 20 January 2017


Fishing for Leave have produced an up-beat look at the future when the government follows up on its promise to take back control and give UK fishermen access to their fishing grounds as existed in the days before joining the EU/EEC - Read on.

"Fishing for Leave have produced a detailed analysis, using software commissioned by the group, to show catches in UK waters and what the divorce settlement of TACs for every species should be with Brexit.

These figures show the UK could benefit from £6.3 billion economic boost by repatriating UK fisheries

Using catch data from the EU Commission’s STECF fisheries database FFL have collated catches for the UK and EU fleets respectively and whether these catches were taken in UK waters or EU waters.
This report then calculates and details the post Brexit TACs for each species and therefore shows the colossal level of resources that have been robbed from the UK through our membership of the EU.
It graphically illustrates the abject betrayal of the UK coastal communities and the nation by the adherence to the disastrous CFP.

The Nation’s Greatest Renewable Resource

Britain’s internationally recognised EEZ and the UK fishing waters within this of 732,470 km2 is 3 times the size of the UK land mass of 243,610km2.
The UK has some of the richest fishing grounds in the world, the UK EEZ covers 48% of the ICES fishing zones in the North West EU

63% of all catches are being taken in UK waters worth £1.3 billion with the EU taking 59% of all catches within the UK EEZ.

A National Resource

Reclaiming UK fishing waters should be worth £6.3 billion to Britain’s coastal communities and economy every year! – equivalent to 6 Type 45 destroyers or 180 new secondary schools."

Read the full article here or order a printed copy of the report here:

Follow them on Twitter here

Contact Fishing for Leave here

13th January 2017 by Njordr AB