
Saturday 21 January 2017

At the age of 35, the shipowner is looking to the future

A good news story from a Celtic cousin in Le Guilvinec.

"Having a new boat is the dream of a sailor. I did not think it would be feasible given the financial cost, "explains Julien Le Brun, head of an armament that has 20 employees."

As a young bigouden shipbuilder, Julien Le Brun bought his first boat in 2004. Today, two coastal trawlers are under construction at Gléhen, in Douarnenez, and soon will join a fleet that will then be five strong units. The investment is heavy (€ 2.8 million), but shows its confidence in the future.
It is at Douarnenez, at the Gléhen shipyard, that the Caribbean takes shape. A 14.90 m long coastal trawler that will be armed with langoustine but will also fish soles, flounder, hake and other monkfish. This is the second trawler built by Plobannalecois Julien Le Brun, 35 years old owner. A boat whose design was entrusted to Coprexma design office bridge-the abbot. "We worked on diesel consumption, sound insulation," explains Julien Le Brun. Fishing is his life. Grandfather fisherman, fisherman, he never wanted to do anything else. "It's a passion more than a job. He did not forget his first day at sea. "At the age of seven, with my father on the Calypso at the coast."

Maintaining activity in the country bigouden

A boy of 14 years, Julien Le Brun drops at the Maritime High School of Guilvinec (29) a BEP Conduct and exploitation of the fishing vessels that doubles of a mechanic 250 kW. Second at 20 years, he decides four years later to buy his own boat. "Everyone looked at me strangely. Today, a young man who buys a boat is looked at with an evil eye. But in the 1980s, it was common. The delivery of Caribbean 2 is scheduled for early May. Building a new boat, "it has a very high cost but the challenge is worth it". Julien Le Brun has made his calculations. "A used boat costs a lot of money in maintenance. I prefer to give the cost of maintenance to the bank to make new ".

The Caribbean 2 will rejoin its home port of Guilvinec and will replace the Caribbean. A boat that is now about thirty years old and whose rights will be transferred to the new unit. "It's one for one," explains Julien Le Brun. Who would love to send it to a young person. "We must find sailors and armaments to keep the activity in the Bigouden country". Transmission is important. He knows something about it. That's how he was able to buy his second boat. In 2010. "Transmission business. The seller made things easier for me ... "

Mutualizing costs

In 2013, Le Lagon is launched in Guilvinec. A brand new boat. His first. Built at the Hénaff site in Guilvinec. "Having a new boat is the dream of a sailor. I did not think it would be feasible given the financial cost. " But man is tenacious. And believes hard in the future. In December 2014, Oasis, bought used, joined a fleet which in a few months will be strong five units. In the Caribbean 2 will be added the Corail, its sister-ship. "It was not planned" but a possibility of transfer following the departure of a boat in Africa offered itself to him. He seized the opportunity. "To pool costs". Investment is important. € 1.4 million per boat compared with € 900,000 for the Lagoon. "Building a new boat is more expensive today". The risk is real. "I borrowed over 15 years, it is long, especially fishing because we do not have much visibility with the quotas, gas oil ...".

Giving young people a chance

The armament Julien Le Brun is 20 employees, soon five boats. An exception. He assures that there is nothing exceptional about what he does. And would like that in his image "others want to do the same thing". He acknowledged that "it is hard, that we must fight with the quotas but today we can succeed in fishing". The shipowner continues to sail. "Three months a year. I want it ". The profession has evolved. "My sailors work 170 days a year, they have three months of vacation." On her boats, Julien Le Brun also welcomes apprentices. "I have two now, I've been hiring for six years." Learning, he knows, he has gone through it. "It's true that it is expensive for the company, but we must not forget where we come from. That's where we learn the trade. " Apprentices who like him will form the bosses of tomorrow. Provided they are given a chance.

Full story courtesy of Le Telegramme - online translation courtesy of Google.