
Friday 20 January 2017

For fish fans frosty #FishyFriday finds Newlyn full of fabulous fish.

Beam trawlers, inshore trawlers and a couple of netters put most of the fish on Friday's market...

in addition to a shot of mainly monk form the New Harmony...

the market was almost full end-to-end with fish...

including a big shot of megrims from the Resurgam...

Dover sole from the St Georges...

and a good run of haddock and whiting...

from the inshore trawler, Elisabeth Veronique...

along with a few rays...


the odd turbot...

smaller netters landed pollack...

the odd shark...

while the bulk of the St Georges' trip was made up of cuttles...

Roger on the Imogen landed pristine gurnards...

James on the Three Jays found a few pollack...

while the Lamorna found this not so happy looking shark...

and the Britannia V had a big shot of hake...

getting ready for the next trip...

and number one and the first visiting scalloper from Brixham this year.