
Tuesday 12 September 2006

It's a misty start to the day for film crew

The film crew are looking to film some big seas in clear skies - what do they get this morning? flat calm and fog!
The riggers are up early completing the bow mounted camera.
An army marches on its stomach and so, too does a film crew - not one, but two eating wagons - good to see local company, 'Food for films' from St Agnes in on the act.

After a day filming the camera is removed as the weather closes in.

The Plymouth-based cat, Shoreline Engineer from Quayside Marine takes up a berth alngside the Ocean Dancer.

Work de-rigging the camera continues aboard the 'Ocean Dancer'.
Stand-in lifeboat, 'Volunteer Spirit' exits the harbour on a shout.
The 'Cornishman ' gets ready for another trip.

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