
Monday 11 September 2006

Digitally imaging the sea in 3D

A team of digital imaging specialists from the movie industry decended on Newlyn today - their mission - to create a moving 3D image of rough seas for a movie project.
'Revolution', specialists in camera rigging brought in to fix a camera over the bow of the Ocean Dancer.
A scaffolding tower (courtesy of local firm Celtic Scaffolding) was rigged to accommodate the moving camera rig.
A digital camera is fixed to a bracket that can travel up and down the tower placed right over the bow.

A close up of the two vessels brought in to provide imaging targets shows the fluorescent markers that povide accurate positioning indicators for the 3D imaging software. The 'Shoreline Engineer' is a steel cat from Plymouth.The film vessel is the Panama registered Ocean Dancer, ex-Dutch beam trawler.
The two target boats provide markers with which the digital imaging is constantly positioned. Mounts Bay was chosen as a suitable sight to film rough seas as needed by the movie production team - of course sods law is likely to ensure a flat calm for the next week together with nil visibility!
Visiting Irish beamers Mary Kate and Bridget Carmel are due to sail tonight.

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