
Friday 8 September 2006

Much ado about nothing!

Despite media attempts to make a drama out of an everyday occurrence, tonight's high tide (6.2m) here in Newlyn, passed without incident - apart from all the ususal aspects of a very big spring tide where all hands are extra vigilant!
The Twilight III left her berth for another trip.
The relief Tyne Class, "Owen and Anne Aisher" 47-017 lifeboat made a dash through the gaps just after high water.
The Dom Bosco is now almost set for sea.

Meanwhile, both of this week's casualties are now safely alongside the quay and afloat.
Down came Oil Pollution Response Unit for a relatively small amount of fuel oil that was released in the harbour.
Unfortunately, the oil had other ideas and despite a new, larger oil boom the tiny slick headed off down the harbour ahead of the wind which had today backed almost southerly.The remains of the slick hide away by the harbour offices!