
Wednesday 13 September 2006

CGI crew for the film Golden Age get to sea.

1800 hrs and it's a late session for the film crew desperate to catch some poor weather and good visibility!'Ocean Dancer' makes her way out to sea past the Mount escorted by a rib, also equipped with CGI markers.The aptly named 'Loyal Helper' steams past the MCA tug Anglian Princess. Note the large dayglow film marker on her starboard side.
In the meantime the girls have another Wednesday evening training session aboard the gig 'Avarack'.
The other CGI film marker vessel, 'Shoreline Engineer' from Ouest Marine, Plymouth steams out past the Mount.
A rib gets to open up and test the sea state in the Bay.
Meanwhile, Breton stern trawler 'Cezembre' steams quietly for the gaps, reason unknown.At high speed the rib returns with what appears to be a familiar face, star of the 'Most Dangerous Pubs in Britain ' series - good trip Joe?

Beluga Projects ('Impression' or 'Advertising') takes shelter with what looks like a finely balanced deck cargo aboard (the blue derricks).
Out in the Bay a motley collection of vessels make for an interesting scene!

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