
Friday 7 June 2024

Mid-week fish landings in Newlyn.


Great to see a butcher's shop back in Newlyn, plus food for the skin next door...

there's also plenty of creative work to nourish the spirit...

with the continuing presence of visiting Scottish prawn boats the auction has seen a steady flow of fish like these haddock landed in bulk on a regular basis...

big turbot are landed predominantly by a few netters who target them with tangle nets at this time of year...

while these quality reds are up there with the best...

turbot in bulk...

a few big hake...

plenty of paws...

and even bigger turbot...

a few big bream...

and carefully arranged by one of the old hands...

some more cracking red mullet...

and a big shot of haddock...

to go with some cracking John Dory...

more butt...

and big hake...

the inshore boats are seeing more of these guys at this time...

and mackerel in some quantity have suddenly appeared in the landings at last...

plus a few bass...

the odd blue...

and a box of grey mullet...

plus the biggest head-on monk of the week...

Shane has the recently overhauled Ali-Cat back in the water fishing now...

while others in the fleet choose to go up on the slip...

or dry out on the hard for under the waterline work, traditionally carried out in May na June when trawling and other kinds of fishing slacken off.