
Friday 7 June 2024

Another busy #FishyFriday in Newlyn

On days like this, overcast skies give a certain strength to the hues of boats...

in the harbour...

along with the strong reflections in the flat calm waters...

young Steve is busy placing tallies on the boxes of fish as they are sold...

via Stevenson's head auctioneer, Ian Oliver seen here running the online auction...

hopefully, the pollack fishery research project being run by Cefas and aided by key pollack fishermen like Dave Smith with his boat Maverick will help Defra set a more realistic quota for this key species - boats like the Maverick rely almost 100% on pollack for their income so a total ban has been catastrophic for them...

landings of quality summer fish like these John Dory...

are bread and butter for buyers...

along with red mullet, a fish that has become more prevalent around the inshore waters in recent years...

theres a little hiccup with ice this morning so young Roger gets called on to don his work boots and help out...

to see that visiting boats like the Acciona continue to get ice...

she's looking very smart this morning, Barry's efforts with the paintbrush are well rewarded...

trawling more than any other kind of fishing involves a constant round of repairs and maintenence to keep the boats at sea fishing, if it's not welding jobs...

it's replacing old trawl warps for new...

there's a box from every fishing nation that surrounds Cornwall in the North Atlantic Arc...

open sesame!, great to see the access gate to the pontoons now opens automatically, must have made Cod's day when that was fitted...

it's hard to imagine just how much fish has been caught by this assembly of working and retired fishermen outside the RNLI building, the first Friday of every month sees tea, coffee and cakes being served upstairs so come along and enjoy a yarn...

a great effort form local artist Clare Bowen in her donation of £1000 from sales of the lifeboat calendar with her paintings!