
Thursday 30 November 2023

Success as MMO increase MLS for Crawfish


We did it! After taking a voluntary lead on increasing the minimum landing size for Crawfish two summers ago, the MMO has announced they'll be harmonising the crawfish reference size via a licence condition. From 1 January 2024 the crawfish minimum landing size will increase from 95 to 110 mm in English waters of ICES area 7 for both EU and UK vessels
This was, in part, due to the sheer number of you who showed up to the crawfish workshop they hosted in Newlyn last month. Many thanks for your cooperation with our campaign for this policy change. 

The MMO opened a two-week consultation on a potential seasonal closure of the crawfish fishery. The closure would seek to prohibit the retaining and landing of crawfish in English waters of ICES area 7 for all UK and EU vessels using all gear types.

The MMO is proposing the following potential closure periods for consideration:
  • No closure
  • Mid December 2023 to 31 May 2024: This would provide the greatest protection to crawfish.
  • 1 January 2024 to 31 May 2024: This would allow fishing for the Christmas market.
  • 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024: This would align with the French (Brittany) crawfish closure.
The consultation is now closed but the results are expected to be revealed next month, in accordance with the publication of the first six fisheries management plans.