
Sunday 18 December 2022

That's blown the fleet in early for Christmas!


Friday night and it must have been one of those big bluefin tuna did for the trailer...

come Sunday morning and the weather man has dictated that the fleet shall be blown in early for Christmas this year..

with the promenade in Penzance given a dowsing...

as skipper Nathan, mindful of the Storm force 10 winds 

predicted for tomorrow, gives young Tom a hand to put out extra mooring ropes...

tools of the trade aboard the Enterprise...

of the view closer to hand on the working deck...

the crew looking forward to their end of year do later in the day make ready to land...

as the Stevensons shore crew Ian and son Sam...

begin to take the first few boxes...

from Nathan, skipper of the Enterprise for their last trip of the year...

also landed this morning, the Cornishman...

now takes her Christmas-break berth and begins the end-of-year chores going through their gear.