
Monday 1 August 2022

Muggy Monday morning in Newlyn.

1st of August brought a mirror-like Monday morning to Newlyn...

wher once again the weekend saw a wide range of top quality fish landed...

including these lobsters, one of which may well be over fifty years old...

Tom on the Guardian touched on some good fishing south of the Bay...

while monk fish supplies were toped up from the beam trawler St Georges...

plenty of inshore fish filled the market from end-to-end...

with some good shots of line caught fish like these pollack...

and bass...

this brace of turbot were just two examples of these magnificent fish landed by the netter, Ocean Pride...

along with these superb large haddock...

pf course, no market would be complete without some seasonal summer sardines...

and MSC Certified hake...

boat news in the harbour sees the Trevssa IV with a long way to go before she is ready for sea...

a visiting survey vessel, Severn Sea...

the visiting inshore beam trawler Karen Marie..

and the Hosking fleet in reflective mood.