
Tuesday 2 August 2022

Can you help create a Council for Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul?

Newlyn Association is carrying out a signature petition to show support for Cornwall Council to create a new parish council for the Ward of Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul.

This new Parish Council could:

· Be separate from Penzance Town Council

· Better serve the interests of residents in Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul

· Give more priority and resources to Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul


At the moment:

Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul is currently a ward of Penzance Council.

The Ward’s fishing industry brings in £30m annually, has a vibrant art and craft community, small businesses, and a growing leisure and tourism economy within a residential community of approximately 3,500 voters. It contributes an estimated £400k annually to Penzance Town Council’s precept of £1.75m but sees an estimated less than 10% of that spent on itself.

This spend is for grants for Christmas lights, plus costs for one public toilet and weedkilling. The Ward has 5 councillors who sit on Penzance Council which has a total of 20 councillors, so they are often outvoted when decisions affecting the Ward are being made.

What is proposed: - A new Parish Council to be set up for Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul separate from Penzance Council. It would have its own councillors, employ a clerk, decide its own budget, set its own precept, have decision making power and recognised status to speak on behalf of its own constituents. It would have an annual budget of approximately £400,000, be able to apply for loans and funding, make grants, have its own planning committee to make recommendations on applications within the Ward direct to Cornwall Council, have its own Neighbourhood Plan and plenty more that Parish Councils can do.

The argument for: - Change is needed to allow the communities of Newlyn, Mousehole and Paul to have self-government.

A new council would provide the organisation, status, money and resources to do this.

Anyone interested to find out more and wishing to show support will be able to do so at an Information Day to be held at The Newlyn Centre, Chywoone Hill

Wednesday 3 August

10am to 7pm - drop in anytime

If you want a council, show your support here or sign up at the Information Day.