
Monday 11 July 2022

Millpond Monday morning in Newlyn.

Blue skies reflected perfectly in the harbour this morning...

as young Mr Pascoe heads back to his berth...

with all the inshore boats like Tom's newly acquired Guardian providing welcome supplies of top quality inshore fish like these John Dory...

while the netter Ygraine put ashore a solid trip of hake...

ray wings a-plenty from the inshore netters..

while the big beam trawler, Billy Rowney  scraped a few congers, one day someone will be brave enough to shoot a few thousand hooks for these tasty eating fish and corner the conger market - huge quantities were caught by the long-lining fleet up until the early 1980s wen gill nets became the preferred method of fishing for many..

red mullet always cut dash...

mainstay of the summer beam trawl fishery - Cornish sole...

there are two kinds of monk, easily identified by the black lining of the belly, and those without...

looks like the run of sardines has increased since last week's false start to the season proper...

though mackerel are still proving elusive even for top handliners...

visitor, Harvey Grace...

back from her one year service in Den Oever, Holland...

the Enterprise will be champing at the bit to get a trip in, if only to pay the cost of the fuel bill steaming to and fro' the Nederlands for her makeover...

an entire fleet of gill nets, stack 'em high.