
Tuesday 12 July 2022

Can you help Rebecca help the industry? - a shout out to fishermen, merchants and chefs.

Here's a shout out for support from, primarily fishermen but also fishmongers, merchants and fishy chefs! Research student Rebecca is looking for contributions from any of the the above in the creating of a film to champion the cause for greater fish consumption, especially less well-known species caught by fishermen in the Under10m small-scale sector.

For any fishermen willing to contribute remotely follow this guide,

for any merchants or chefs willing to contribute remotely please follow this guide.

Filming is taking place primarily in East Anglia and along Eastern Coast to North Yorkshire. BUT, Rebecca is keen to make use of Zoom or self-recorded videos and hear the views of anyone in the fishing industry in answering a few questions.

The film aims are to:

  • Understand (especially younger people) fish consumption.
  • Diversify seafood consumed by understanding the issues of our preference for the 'big 5' and promoting consumption of under-loved species
  • Encourage the preparation of fish and increase fish consumption to the recommended NHS amount. As consumers have low confidence in preparing fresh fish, highlighting how to prepare fish/ recipe ideas can encourage consumption
  • Supporting and promoting small scale fishers to create sustainable coastal town economies. Fishermen often get bad press, with many people choosing to not consume fish due to the lack of trust in its sustainability. Seeing those who are doing it right and educating on the benefits of sustainable fisheries can encourage sustainable consumption. The video will serve as advertising for local businesses also.
  • Educate and bring awareness to promote more sustainable consumption
  • Understand the barriers to sustainable consumption and production

Who will be interviewed?

Fishermen: Talking about identity, difficulties faced (Brexit, Covid, fuel prices, competition, management and governance), what an ideal sustainable fishery would be, misconceptions of the fishing industry, the importance of a people in the fishing sector etc.

Students: On their fish consumption and perspectives on sustainability

Fishmongers: talking about business and supply, how it and consumer preferences have changed over the years, how we can prepare other fish, recipe ideas

Chefs: filming cooking local lesser-known species such as whitebait to encourage consumer confidence in preparation / purchasing.

Others: Researchers / advisors / academics / retailers who wish to speak on the sustainability of UK fisheries.

Who is making the video?

Rebecca Mulhern, research assistant at the University of East Anglia. Please get in touch if you are interestedFilming between 11th – 25th July.

Email:  or  (personal)

Twitter: Phone: +447881248169

End goal of the video?

Short video, uploaded to YouTube. Shared on Pyramids of life and other research groups websites and twitter. Possibly other business and tourism websites. Possibly UEA and University of York’s websites and social media.

For more information on the project please look at the website: 

and listen to the podcast: