
Tuesday 19 July 2022

Charles and Camilla walk and talk fish in Newlyn.

After an early visit to Mousehole Prince Charles and his wife Camilla headed for Newlyn... 

where, in front of the harbour offices, Camilla spotted a familiar face as Prince Charles was introduced to commissioners and harbour team including Rob Wing seen here alongside newly appointed harbourmaster Jonathon Poynter...

while Camilla shook hands with deputy harbourmaster Jedna Hall...

before the visitors moved on to see examples of tiny lobsters from the Lobster Hatchery project, Dr Carly Daniels here showing off a minute lobster hatched just this morning...

more fishing talk as Tom Lambourn holds up a whole monk while Andrew Pascoe explains to Camilla why it is also known as the angler fish...

Prince Charles took the opportunity and ventured on his own down to the marina berths where he surprised Nathan Thomas and Ifan Williams aboard the Three Jays busy sorting gear...

under a blazing Mounts Bay sun the Royal couple headed...

 for the marginally cooler interior of Richard Adams' Argoe restaurant...

where they were offered some examples of the chef's particular Newlyn sourced delicacies including hake throats. On a visit many years ago to the Pilchard Works in Newlyn, Charles told owner Nick Howell that his father, like many serving in Italy during WWII, had never wanted to see another tin of canned pilchard having loved off endless tins of the South African variety! The couple then moved on to visit Michael Johnson's Newlyn Copperworks, before returning immediately afterwards to dine in peace at Argoe, far from the madding crowd.